Bingos Mind

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They hate you... They see you as a freak! Just end it all Bingo, you are nothing!

Bingo: No I won't! I won't give up! My family loves me! That's what matters!

They don't love you... Open your eyes kid, all they want is to be rid of you


Bingo: No... NO THEY LOVE ME!

Bingo was sitting in class, when she screamed this, her class gave her concerned looks.

Mrs retriever: Bingo... Are you alright?

The little heeler didn't know how to answer, and just ran off. She didn't want into be a burden to her class.

As she sat alone by the tree, she started to think again, the thoughts hurting her more and more.

They don't love you... They are your enemies, they think you're a monster.

Bingo: No they don't! I know Bluey at least doesn't!

Bandit had been called to the school. Bluey had tagged along since she was home sick that day. Her sickness had faded throughout the day thanks to their mom's specialty in care and medicine.

Bluey: Dad I'm going to find Bingo, I have a feeling I know where she is.

Bandit: Ok Bluey, don't go too far.

Bluey took off for the tree, it was Bingos normal safe space. As the young heeler expected, she found her sister having a meltdown.

Bingo: no...N-No... NO!

Bingo let out a terrible cry, she was still broken.

Bluey: Bingo...?

Bingo saw her sister and stared at her.

Bingo: Y-you love me... Right Bluey?

The young Blue Heeler walked straight to Bingo and hugged her.

Bluey: To the moon and back Bingo.

Don't let her fool you Bingo... She hates you for what you are!

Blueys guardian: Back off! Bingo isn't yours to control!

What the? What are you huh?

Blueys guardian: Something Bingo hadn't developed yet, a guardian. I am why Bingo feels so safe around Bluey. You won't be telling Bingo anything negative while I'm around! Bingo... Stay true honey, your big sister is right next to you. Embrace her, keep her close, I will form a guardian for you, but it will take time. Do not lose hope kid.

Bingo: Bluey... Can I go home? Please?

Bluey: Yes Bingo, that's why we are here to pick you up.

Bandit found the two girls, Bingo clinging to Bluey as she did before, when she hurt her paws.

Bandit: Oh Bingo, again honey?

Bandit loved his daughter, and wanted her to feel safe, but it doesn't look like she did without Bluey... Did Bingo need to go to Blueys school now?

Bandit: Bluey, do you want to go to school with Bingo for now on? Or do you want Bingo at yours?

Bingo: I want to go to Blueys, I don't like it here. No offense Mrs retriever.

Mrs retriever: None taken Bingo, I hope you feel safer at Blueys school.

Mrs retriever knew what Bingo was going through and let her go. She contacted Calypso, making sure Bingo would be welcomed with open arms.

Bingos Tormented Mind (A Sequel to the story "Bingos Hell")Where stories live. Discover now