xvii. taste, my ass!

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This was totally not what Satoru could ever expect from Mayumi

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This was totally not what Satoru could ever expect from Mayumi. For once, the strongest sorcerer was too dumbfounded to muster up a coherent reply. All he did was gawk at her. Gawk at her in disbelief. She couldn't be serious.

He saw her blink, looking up at him with those big eyes of her. "So?"

"I don't want you to regret anything," He gulped softly.

"I would regret it more if you send me away," she scoffed softly, "the embarrassment would be too much for me and I might jump out of a cliff."

He couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her attempt to dissipate the tension in the air. Sighing, he took a step closer, noticing how her eyes widened as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Can I kiss you, Mayumi?"

She smiled and instead of answering him, she pressed her lips against his, kissing him lazily.

Later they were in bed, huddled under the covers, Satoru's tall and bulky frame comforting her. His thumb rested possessively on her neck, her cheeks flushed. "I would have to apologise if I was too much for you."

"Stop joking!" She blushed, glaring at him. "I ... I am glad you were my first time, Satoru."

If it was possible, his grin widened, his eyes glinting. The worst case scenario in his mind was that he'd probably scare Mayumi away. But she was happy. Happy letting him be her first. What more could he even ask?

He kissed his neck softly, smiling himself. "Let's get you all bathed up and then you can read out your favourite novel to me."

Mayumi's ears perked up. Did she mishear him or something? "Favourite novel, Satoru? But you don't read."

He had the audacity to let out a sheepish smile. "I might have ordered a few ones. Not because I am trying to impress you, of course," he cleared his throat, "I am trying to develop a taste."

She snorted, "Developing a taste, my ass!"

He grinned, squeezing her rear end, much to her embarrassment, "Well, I have taken quite a taste of your ass."


The young woman shrieked, glaring at him before the two of them started chuckling and Satoru couldn't help but wonder when was the last time he had such a lighthearted moment with someone.

a/n : really short chapter + what the fuck, you guys must be anticipating a smut 😭 i promise i would post a smut later but it's ramadan and i don't want to post smut in ramadan ! that being said, im trying to get back in writing. pls stay patient with me, i love you all <3

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