She was this girl

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~She was this girl who never thought she'll be this intimate
Oh but the destiny is always so distant right?

She was this girl who'd never thought of falling in love,
Like a little caged dove
Her world changed when she crossed paths with him,
Like a torn denim

She couldn't get the whiff of a hint
Which is sailing as a love tint

A man who turned her life completely upside down
Not knowing where it might take them just to drown

He was confident, but a fear of facing calamities was eating her from inside
She was following him, all the way to the end thinking it'll be a smooth ride

As the time passed by, her doubts started to fade away
And she thought he's not the kind of a guy who'll ever betray

The way he'd calm her and ease her heart's shelf
She was falling for him without even knowing herself.

He was this music beat which she was addicted to,
Is it possible now, to get a redo?
He was a scent she can't get over
Without realising that it's all a make over

And for him she was a sweet melody that he never wanted to get rid of,
And he used to be an emotional crate which she opened the lid of .

People say she's living in a fantas-a-y
Her thoughts curled; I think he makes her feel that way
Oh god what could I say
Thank you for the countless blessings all the way.

He's the sweetest and kindest soul she ever met,
Only if she knew the future where her eyes are swollen and wet

The way he showers his love on her is in the cutest way possible
And now why is she so miserable?
His every word is irresponsible
Maybe the departure of this couple is inevitable

Their chemistry so good
Now think of the times she had rued
And how the curve forms a smile as their eyes meet
Then the world used to become a sound synchronous with her heart beat
Is her life really so incomplete?
Now her heart became hard as concrete

Who knew long distance can be this much fun?
She never thought it'll just disappear in a long run

The love that reflects from her eyes is something so deep and heart touching
Is it all worth the heart clutching

She never thought she'll be this lucky to come across such a beautiful soul
Little did she know that she'll end up as a pitiful fool

I agree he cleared all her self doubts
I agree he filled her draughts with faith
But what lasted? Him being One of those boy scouts!
Destroying her like the battle of the Raith!!

The way they connect is like aroma in the garden, soft yet soothing
Oh until when will this dark abyss sting 

The countless adventures they did together
Thinking it will last forever
It all faded like a spray in the clay
Leaving her alone like a stray

She thought he became a part of her life she'll always need,
Oh but did that frail love succeed?
From a complete stranger to soulmate
Is there a way to unhate?

All those broken promises
Will she see any more trust in her premises?

When James Arther said 'I want to stay with you until we're grey and old'
That's never been more wrong when
people like him giving lessons in gold

She thought they're making memories together
Which someday they look back and smile at those miracles whatever

But what happened now ? Did u see any greys ?
Their life is no more like the  glitters and shines
As the mystery thoughts of the future intertwines

He used to be her sunshine
But all that left is a pathetic lupine

She was this girl, who'd never thought of falling in love
Sitting like a bug with nothing to prove
She is the girl ,who now is not less than a broken glass
Yet with many more lethal people to surpass

She was this girl.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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