Chapter One: First meeting

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“What, you can’t be serious?”

“We are, Anavae think of this as for the good of the family.”

“Don’t you remember what happened the last time?”

“We know what went wrong the first time besides; Madara was too distraught over his brother. This won’t be like the last time.”

“Why… we don’t need power!”

My father stood up from where he was seated, “You will do this for the good of the clan! It was your mother’s last wish for you to be married into one of the strongest clans and be well off! it is the wish of the Hokage from the Land of Fire to ensure that there will be peace between Tsukigakure and Konohagakure, now pack your things!”

                Standing up I said nothing as I walked away from them. Storming down the hallway I walked into my room and slid the door shut. Slamming it shut I shoved everything into my bags and just threw myself onto my bed. I knew that, we, the shinobi of the Havari Clan, didn’t cry but at this moment I couldn’t give a damn, besides I wasn’t a ninja anyways.

                The tears fell from my eyes freely and that was that. I just lay there for a while until there was a knock on my door. Contemplating whether I should open it or not, it was opened anyways.  Shigure, my subordinate came into the room. I looked at him and attempted a small smile, I knew he hated to see me cry.

                Shigure came over and immediately hugged me tightly to his chest, “Don’t worry Ana-bug, everything will turn out alright. Besides, the Senju are a nice clan, they treat people right.”

“Everyone said that about the Uchiha clan too…”

Shigure pulled me back to look at him straight in the eyes, “Trust in me, even when you marry Lord Tobirama I will still serve you.”

I hugged him close, “I know you will and I’m glad you’re not leaving me.”

“I know, sweetheart, I know.”

                We both just hugged like that until we were called to leave. Pursing my lips in content I just got up as Shigure grabbed my bags. And so we set out. With each step toward Konohagakure, my heart broke. I didn’t want to leave Tsukigakure. I wanted to stay with all of my siblings and I wanted to have fun with them and not have to go and get married.


                Tobirama was nervous. Well, nervous and slightly annoyed. He wanted to have a family someday, but with the woman of his choosing. Sure, he trusted his brother without a shadow of a doubt and more or less trusted Mito but this was going a little far. Tobirama had never even met this Anavae woman but he had certainly heard a lot about her. Apparently she was another friend of Hashirama’s but still that didn’t make it okay to just go and set up a marriage proposal!

                Walking through the village, the Senju man attempted to visualize what this Anavae Havari girl looked like. Tobirama had heard many stories of the Havari Clan and very few were very good. Of course Hashirama said that this one was different. Tobirama had never wanted to strangle his brother more at the moment.

                Turning down another street, Tobirama stopped and whipped around. Fixing the ninja that had attempted to be tracking him for the past five blocks was suddenly fixed with a hardened crimson glare. Within a few seconds the poor nameless ninja began to squirm. “Well? What is it, what do you want?”

“U-uh… Lord Hokage, h-he wanted y-you.” The ninja stuttered.

Tobirama clucked his tongue, “Just like him, very well.”

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