Foreword(Requests Open)

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Hi there! This book will be dedicated to history! So you might be expecting historical events, dates and most of all, countryhumans but from the past(Mostly of the 20th century to even Before Christ(B.C).

Historical events that may be unpleasant
Mention of trauma
AU lore(TLOCH lore)

Those are the main things you might be expecting on this oneshot book, I think we should do another book in case we decide to do historical romances(Those probably wont be the main thing here).

We do plan to be historicaly accurate so in case I write something that is historicaly inaccurate for some reason you could always let us know in the comment section.

Any requests or ideas for oneshots are more than welcome down the comment section too! If you want any oneshot for any country you can write it down to and we would look out for it.

See you soon! We plan on being more active on this so expect updates on this soon!

-Aurora and Selene

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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