- letting rage control -

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~The Grubs, the warehouse~
Felix watched the screen stay the same, his expression was tense, his eyes stained for any sort of pop up. He held tightly onto the desk, waiting and waiting. Still, the screen stayed the same.

He had seen the video being read almost an hour ago. He waited in temptation for a response by Pierce after seeing it, only.. Nothing came. Felix stayed un-moving while watching the screen for something. For anything.

He felt extremely desperate. Why wasn't Pierce responding?

"Fuck!" Felix flew himself to the back of his chair, letting out an annoyed groan.

He looked at the seat near the window, Mercy wasn't there. He pulled himself up, watching in confusion. He hadn't heard her leave, hadn't seen her leave if anything. What had happened?

As soon as he saw that Pierce had read his message, he was fully focused on a response. So much so that he didn't realize Mercy had left. Where would she have gone?

Felix turned the screen up to look at his other messages. Without a second thought, he dialed up Mercy's phone. He waited in silence as the rings flooded the office room. Almost a few seconds later, Mercy had picked up.

"Mercy, when did you leave? Why did you leave already, I thought you wanted to stay for when my parents get here-"

He stopped mid sentence when he heard a few sniffs from the other end. He didn't say anything, listening quietly as Mercy silently wept on the other end of the phone. It was until Mercy caught her breath that she gave a slow sigh.

"Huh, I thought you were too in love with your phone to notice."

Felix could hear the smirk in her voice. It would have made him laugh at the sarcasm, but it didn't help but stir his insides. He felt his blood pump, his mind was racing with ideas. It wasn't normal for Mercy to be like this, something had happened. Felix believes he knows what happened, but he wasn't so sure.

"Mercy.. What happened? Are you with Pierce?"

Pierce couldn't have hurt her, he is a bad person, but not to someone like Mercy. Felix was sure of that, but the hitch in Mercy's sighs made him think otherwise.

"Not anymore." Her reply was short.

"What happened? I know he saw the video-" Felix stopped, he realized after he said what probably was happening. A small fragrance of excitement was there, hiding behind fear. "He's coming over right?"

The smile was clear in his voice. His eyes popped out of his head as he looked onward. Mercy didn't respond right away, it was instead silent on the other end.

Suddenly, an emotionless voice responded. "I don't know."

The other line was cut off, Mercy had hung up. Felix moved the phone from his ear, looking at the screen for a few seconds to let the information sink in. It was good if he was right?

He was coming to thank Felix. To see more about the video, to go along with the next plan. Felix knew that.

So why is he suddenly afraid?

Was it what his mother told him? Was it the voice of Mercy? What is it?

Felix had racing thoughts, he didn't know what to believe. But he was sure that this is what Pierce wanted. He hated the hero, wanted to kill him. He knew that for sure, so why would he be mad?

The little leader was busy in his thoughts when one of his men shot through the office door. Felix jumped back, ready to shout at the man Alex for coming in when the buff gangster spoke first.

' Broken Image ' (boyXboy)Where stories live. Discover now