- deep rooted killer -

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~The Grubs, the warehouse~
It was a stupid decision. Why did he run forward to save the villain? The villain didn't need that for him, neither should Oxzy even think about saving that man. The horrible person, he could protect himself. Why would he need Oxzy?

But the hero's body reacted on its own. It did what it wanted without warning, no control.

The hero waved his hand in the direction of the man, he still managed to let a shot ring out. But instead of hitting Pierce in the back, it flew up and straight into the roof. The man stepped back, stunned at the ice that was formed in front of him.

When he managed to turn in the direction of the cold, he swung forward. The hero used his strength to push the man back, he crashed into other gangsters who tried to run away from the oncoming man.

"Fuh-" He managed to cry out before hitting another person.

They flopped onto the floor, the man holding tightly onto his bruised chest. He shook his head, hearing screams that were above him. He swiped his head up, locking eyes with a dangerous looking hero. The whole warehouse was silent. All eyes now on the man who made his presence very clear.

The bruised man felt lost of words, the hero who he assaulted was above him with a deadly glare. His body looked healed, a few small marks lined his neck. He wore a disguised uniform, body straight and power back.

They were all talking about him, now here he stood. In front of them all, he had everyone's attention. Mostly the villain who had a smirk growing on his lips. Felix couldn't understand what he was looking at, what was happening.

Not only did one of his men try to shoot his brother, but the hero was here. The hero saved him. Felix felt his blood boil, it was one of his men that tried to harm Pierce, now the damn hero comes and saves the day.

Felix saw the look in Pierce's eye, the small smile of relaxation as his once tense body completely relaxed at the mere sight of Oxzy. The little leader let out a growl, turning his head to the men that stood motionless. All of them stared at Oxzy, a few who had assaulted him mostly looked hesitant, they almost looked fearful. It pissed Felix off more, be afraid of Pierce all you want. But don't fear the hero.

"Don't just stand there! FUCKING, KILL THE HERO!" Felix let all his emotional rage scream out. He yelled at his men, forcing them to pull their weapons out and attack the hero.

All the attention on the villain moved to the hero, in a split second, the men jumped forward with their eyes on Oxzy. The hero shifted his feet, he expected to be attacked, but all at once? He was hoping that maybe the attention and fear of Pierce would be enough for him to get grounded.

But he was already in the sight of all the men. The little leader centered him, making his men ignore his brother as his fury from the embarrassment was directed on the hero.

But now, Oxzy wasn't defenseless. The hero grounded his feet, with his body and mind at the ready with a split second, a burst of light shock waved through the large room. The men took a small step back, giving air to Oxzy who took the hesitation and rolled with it.

The closest man that was to him was his first target, with the light slowly losing from their vision Oxzy was already in front of him. The man put his hands up, feeling a sharp cold presence that burned his skin. It was extremely cold, he realized that the hero had frozen his feet into the ground. He screamed, dropping his gun.

Most of the men had their vision back, even after seeing the hero's quick response, they fled forward in an unorganized fashion. Oxzy knew that he couldn't take all of the men at once, too much would obviously overpower him. Still, the hero took a quick approach and dodged the flying knives heading for his chest.

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