König didnt mean it

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 “Pfft—hahahahaha!” Soap banged the bar table, and the sip of whiskey he just drank almost sprayed onto Ghost’s plastered left arm.

Ghost turned away silently, but there were still dots of water stains left on the surface of the plaster. He couldn't help but frown, and the mask with a white skull printed on it deepened the anger on his face.

Ghost asked the person who deliberately asked him out to laugh at him in a bad tone: "Have you laughed enough?"

The person who answered him was Soap lying on the bar, laughing so hard that his whole body was convulsing.

Oh shit. Ghost didn't know how many times he rolled his eyes this hour, but he knew that he was now a joke that could last a year in Soap's eyes - a living, sitting, plastered, gay joke.

Let’s turn the clock back a little and go back to the night a few days ago that had just the right atmosphere for sex: Ghost was about to be fucked to death on the bed by König.

Making love with König was simply torture mixed with sweetness.

. . .

Ghost's wrists were held by König, and they were pressed into the sheets with such force that it felt like Ghost's wrist bones were about to be crushed.

König bit Ghost's lower lip roughly like a wild animal. The blood filled his lips. His tongue going in the others mouth, making Ghost salivate and take away all his breath.

The two hot hard body parts were rubbing against each other in their abdomen. König held them with one hand and swept the top of them with his fingertips, causing a tingling sensation. Lust made Ghost twist his waist unconsciously, but he was suppressed by the person on his body and could not move even an inch. He could only let the soft and slippery tongue lick the rolling Adam's apple, leaving a circle of teeth marks that made him choke, and then swept it Passing over the erect nipples, the teeth ravaged the soft chest wantonly, biting him until he grunted in his throat.

König's fingers inserted into Ghost's anal (😃), and the ignited desire only increased.
Ghost's ready hole was looking forward to the hot penetration.
König turned Ghost over, still holding Ghost's wrist with one hand. He stroked Ghost's graceful back from top to bottom, and his dark blue eyes followed the river that sunk into the spine of his fingertips. The itching caused by the contact of their skin made the two of them thirsty.

"Oh my God, Ghost, you are so... sexy." König's tone was almost infatuated, and his penis was pressed between Ghost's buttocks, moving slightly with his breathing, which made Ghost feel unbearably itchy.

"Fuck, what the hell are you - ugh!"
Ghost's throat was choked by the sudden insertion. The damn Austrian directly inserted three fingers, and the fingertips continued to explore the sensitive area, and the fragile intestinal wall was pressing Waves of rapids were generated below, flowing to Ghost's body. When König's fingers scraped over Ghost's chest, a shiver struck Ghost's mind, and his penis twitched and leaked out cum, soaking the white sheets.

König ignored the curses that were forced out of Ghost's throat. He leaned down and kissed his lips, and pulled out the fingers from his hole. The hard penis was slowly inserted into the warm anal hole. The folds were slowly flattened, and the thick and long dick cut Ghost's dirty words into pieces.

From the back, both hands pulled his arms and pushed them to the deepest point. The painful pleasure immediately dyed Ghost's eyes red. With no support for his upper body, he could only be pulled up by König when he fell like a puppet. The constant thrusting prevented from contracting, and the redness, swelling, and whiteness merged at the mouth of the cavity. The sound of the sac and buttocks.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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