The Duel

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"Kimi" a woman's voice called up the stairs. "Kimi come on; you're going to be late"

The woman was fairly attractive, her long pink hair flowed down to her shoulders and her grey eyes pierced through the lenses of her glasses. She wore a lilac apron over a white top and black jeans and her feet were encased in green slippers.

"Kimiko I won't warn you again, your fathers duel is in an hour and he said he wants you there to see it" she called up again, more hotly than before.

The sound of scrambling and crashing came from upstairs as a young girl stumbled into view.

"Sorry mom, I overslept" she said panting.

Kimiko was an attractive eighteen-year-old student. She looked similar to her mother. She had red hair that was tied up in a bun with a ribbon and she shared her mothers grey eyes. She was dressed in a black top and white skirt, the inverse of her mother's look.

"Really?" her mother said sarcastically, "I didn't notice, now hurry up or you'll miss the duel" She kissed Kimiko on the forehead and ushered her out the door. The sun shone down through the clouds. It was a perfect day, not too hot and not too cold. Kimiko stretched a bit before breaking into a light jog as she made her way down the street.

A few moments later she returned to her house muttering "Shoes, shoes, shoes" to herself. When she got her boots on she made her way down the street again.

"Morning Kimi!" people shouted to her as she passed them, she waved back saying "Good morning" to each in turn. Some asked her to wish her father luck with his match.

Kimiko loved the fact her father was a professional duelist, he always captured the crowds gaze and drew in all their attention every time he dueled. She loved it.

"I can't wait to see who he's gonna face today" she said to herself. Billboards and posters lined the streets as she made her way to the arena and the closer she got, the more frequent the posters got. When she saw the arena bloom into view, it was surrounded by journalists, fans, food venders and merchandise stalls, so many that she had to fight her way through just to get to the doors.

"Name?" a burly security guard said to her in a bored voice.

"Kimiko Yukanagi" Kimi said brightly.

"Oh you're Tonua's kid right?" The security guard asked.

"Yep, that's me" Kimi smiled. The security guard moved out the way and let her through. Kimi ran through the halls of the arena finding her father talking to a very important looking man. "Dad, over here!" she called out to him.

Her father turned and smiled to her, beckoning her over to him. When she reached them she saw that the man her father was talking to was very tall, his medium length, navy coloured, scruffy hair and goatee made him look very distinguished as his eyes matched his hair looked very coldly at her. Kimi almost slid to a halt as she caught his glare.

"Kimiko, I'd like you to meet Matthew Kallios, Matthew is a business tycoon who's been sponsoring my latest matches" Kimi looked away from Matthew to look at her father. He wore a simple dark grey suit and his red hair shone like a beacon.

"I really must be going, my apologies Tonua" Kallios bowed stiffly and walked away.

"You ready for this duel?" Tonua asked Kimiko. She nodded.

"Yep, I can't wait" she said brightly.

"Good, because I have a gift for you" Tonua said cheerfully. "Come with me"

He led Kimiko into a room that looked like a theatre dressing room. When Kimiko entered she found her father holding a large package out to her.

"What is it?" she asked him.

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