Fell too deep

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First things first I am NOT the one to fall inlove. I mean, at all. But she just took my breath away, you know? I couldn't help but feel...Love. All my life I couldn't help but wonder, 'what is it really like to be loved by someone?'

Who said that school was great? Not me. But I had to attend. If I didn't then I would be flopped on my bed all day. I'd say I would be doing something productive, but honestly, I would just be asleep. If I had any motivation, it would be to text someone or read a book. Well on this particular day, I was actually reading a book, I was squatted on the hard wooden floor of my school court. I had about 20 minutes before class started; I didn't want to waste my time listening to girls talking about their boyfriends, what they are going to wear out later, v@pe talking and even sometimes s3x talking. I would say that I don't care when I infact do. Nobody has ever bothered to see that I cared though. No matter how much those roaches picked on me I genuinely cared about them. They are humans too and to be honest, and addiction is an addiction. I can't say that I haven't gotten addicted to something in the past. Maybe not as bad but who cares.

Checking the time on my cracked mobile device that never cooperates with me, I realized I had spent too long reading and had already missed 5 minutes of class! 'For the love of me, I thought I had set a timer!' Which I HAD. As I said, my mobile is in the worst state a phone could ever be. 'Why can't things just go right?' I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise the small crowed of about 5 girls standing before me. They had clearly just walked into the hall; about to have their class. Absolutely embarrassed, I scrambled across the floor towards my backpack to gather up my items before they could start their snickering. Unfortunately, they already were. "What are you doing on the floor idiot?" One of them questioned me, all 5 of them trying not to crack a smile. "Packing up my things to get to class." I still sat there, making no absolute eye contact. "Like a normal person?" I added. They didn't seem fussed at all and moved on. One of them raising their voice to me "See you later, Fran!"
'GOD. How many times?' I absolutely hated that name and they new it. I brushed it off though. I couldn't be bothered to deal with their crap today. Really thought I had some piece of quiet for once.

As I was sat in lesson, at random, a girl came up to me. I gestured my right hand to her as a 'hi' but I honestly wasn't in the mood to talk. Unfortunately for me, this girl clearly can't mind her damn business and sat next to me. 'Oh you got to be kidding me' She started to bombard me with random questions that I was definitely NOT in the mood to answer. At first it was "Hello, I am Nella! But you can call me Nel and-" I cut her off before she could speak anymore. "Okay, firstly, why are you talking to me? And secondly, Frankie. And I don't like nicknams." Her face lit up with a slight frown upon her lips, but she looked...Grateful? 'Okay this is a strange feeling. Why does she look so pretty all of a sudden?' She casually smiled at me and spoke quite harshly although she clearly meant it to be kind. "I just thought you looked lonely..." 'Oh great she is one of those' But she looked pretty innocent and if I am being honest I was blushing a little. She explained to me in great detail about herself. I don't know why, but I listened to it all. She was not too bad actually.

It was finally last period. I was sitting in the corner of the classroom doodling some of my favourite characters in my sketch book with five minutes to spare b3fore class ended. As we all got up to pack out bags the teacher announced that we had, of course, homework. Was I expecting something exiting? Yeah maybe. Did I know it wouldn't be? Totally...NOT. I mean how would you feel as a child while your moody teacher stands up in the most extravagant manner and floods words to the whole class exitedly only to say the words "You have homework dye tomorrow!"? My thoughts exactly! But besides that I was quite happy with my day. UNTIL- Nel came up to me. 'No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Not now. Not when I just got my freedom!' Nel approached me cautiously as if reading my thoughts. She held her hand out and to my surprise my own took it. WHY? My knees started to buckle and I almost passed out. My body language surprises me every minute. She held me, trying to make sure I don't fall. But of course I fell anyway. Nel starts giggling. 'Gosh that's so pretty...' She helped me up. We stood in silence untul she spoke up "I...Was wondering...If you wanted my number..." She spoke in a broken sentence. I opened my mouth to say yes but instead I blurted out multiple slurred words "I-Ush-suh-shuri-shore, sure, sure." I looked down at her as she stared at me with a soft smile. After handing me her number she responded to my slurred speach. "Must have fell a bit to hard there heh!" I didn't even know what I was doing I just wanted to make a joke...But it left both her and me speachless. "You mean too deep?" I asked. She propped up her head and looked towards me as if staring into my soul. "Hm?" She hummed in question. This is where I made my mistake. "Too deep for you." 'OH SHOOT.' That was all I thought after I said that. She looked completely in shock. I laughed it off as the joke it was intended to be. She of course laughed with me completely understanding my body language. Nobody ever understood what I meant before...This might be a good friendship. We said our goodbyes as I walked out of the grand metalic gate and walked home with a spring in my step.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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