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Taylor Swift fuels Dylan Bailey
dating rumours!

Fans are convinced that Taylor Swift has posted Dylan Bailey on her instagram story!

The international superstar posted a photo of a picnic that fans have later identified as Hyde Park.

The next photo she posted was of a mysterious brunette woman with flowers in her hair.

Fans are convinced that the long brunette hair belongs to none other than actress Dylan Bailey!

Swift left the caption "also found a pretty girl, everybody say hi".

The two have been rumoured to have been in a relationship last year, but reportedly broke things off.

Are they back together? Are they even together? Let us know what you guys think!


Surprisingly to Dylan, she actually got a few hours of uninterrupted sleep last night, but she woke up more exhausted than usual.

From the moment the girl opened her eyes, it was as if the whole world was trying to get in touch with her.

2 missed calls from liza aka mother x
4 missed calls from dad
1 missed call from taylor
7 missed calls from kate

Dylan sighed before throwing her head back onto her pillow, but quickly jumped up again when her phone started to ring,


"Hey!" Taylor's voice greeted through the phone

Dylan could practically hear the blonde's l smile through the phone,

"Hey Tay, what's up?"

"So we're kind of in the news again.." Taylor trailed off

"What's new?" Dylan joked

"Tree keeps asking me what we want to do, but we don't even know what we're doing,"

"Tree is just gonna have to be patient," Dylan chuckled

"I guess so,"

"Tay I have to go, Kate's been calling me like crazy, I'll call you soon okay?"

"Oh, okay,"

"Bye Taylor,"

"Bye Dyl,"

Dylan let out a sigh before calling Kate. She mentally prepared herself to be yelled at as the other line answered

"Dylan, hey," Kate greeted mysteriously calm


"I tried to call you earlier, what were you doing?"

"I was asleep.."

"Oh, well I was just calling to let you know that Greta got in touch, you have to be in the US for filming in October,"

"Oh, is that it?"

"No, I have one more thing,"


"What the hell were you two thinking?!" Kate shouted

Dylan couldn't help but laugh.

"So your strategy was to pretend to be calm, then attack?" Dylan teased

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