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"No- no. Tom, Tom Kaulitz. He was admitted a couple hours ago." I tapped my finger, against the separator between me and the nurse.

She still looked confused.

"He's a fucking surgeon! He works here!"

"I'm sorry, I was told, no one to be admitted into this wing, as one of his visitors. Unless it's family, or—" She gets cut off.

"Scarlett!" I heard Theo's voice.

"Oh, you're Scarlett, well why didn't you just say that?!" She rolls her eyes.

It was literally the first thing I said.

"What are you doing?! I told you, to find me by the closet." He whispers, pulling on my hand.

"I don't care, can you tell me what the hell happened?!" I chased, after him.

"A car rear-ended him. He still hasn't woken up, don't worry we got scans, everything is intact. He cracked his head open though, and when he first came in. He couldn't remember anything, y'know, from the blunt force, against his—"

"Theo! Is he okay?! Yes or no!"

"I mean yes, technically he's fine. Just a concussion and a couple stitches, he also sliced his upper arm open, somehow. But he's good." He reassured, patting my back.

"For some reason, I couldn't find Bill's number, and it wasn't listed as one of his emergency contacts, actually no one was for some odd reason. I tried to get into his phone, but his password was tricky to figure out. I called Bill, once I finally got in, literally twenty minutes ago, and Bill said that he couldn't make it on the next flight over, but to make sure you could take good care of him." Theo finishes off.

Aww, Bill was playing matchmaker.

"Where's my dad? Has he been up here yet?"

"No, he's been in a conference ever since he came in. But, I already told the nurses to not let anyone into Tom's room, but they can't overpower the chief. I'll try and speak extra loudly though, if he comes by so you can hide."

"We got into an argument last night, I don't even think he wants me here. Will you just text me hourly updates." We finally reached his room.

This all felt so random, last night he was picking me up for prom, then we had an argument.

And then he got into a wreck this morning.

"Are you kidding me? No. You're gonna go inside, I don't care what your issues are. Suck it up, because I just pulled so many favors to get you in here, without disturbance."

I sighed, suddenly seeing Theo stop.

He opened the door, letting me in, and then shutting it. I didn't even change, when I left the house, I was still in pajama's, and a long sleeve top. I mean... it was a cute top, but still.

I sniffled, walking over to him. He didn't look bad at all, just a laceration, on his forehead, and a wrap around his arm.

Goddamn it, did Theo make this out so much bigger than it was. I was twenty over the speed limit— I thought he was dying.

I lifted the covers up, getting in beside him. I kissed his forehead, careful to not touch his stitches. "I missed you a lot." I played with some of Tom's hair. "Also, you're a fucking idiot."

"If you think, I was using you? You're an idiot, I don't think i've ever loved a person more." I sniffled, laying my head on his chest.

"Yes, I said some stupid things. But, I didn't mean them. I just wanted you to notice me, my ploy at the start, was to get you to have sex with me, yes it was. But I mean come on." I huffed, once I realized he wasn't going to reply.

"If you see a girl at the bar, who's hot. Your first thought is going to be, damn I wanna tap that ass." I pointed out.

Well, actually i'd hope not.

"Still giving me the silent treatment? Hm?"

"Stop being dramatic, it's just a concussion." I rolled my eyes, something about blunt trauma. Is why he's asleep, whatever the fuck.

"But anyways, what i'm getting at. Is that you're the first guy, i've ever actually loved. So, leaving me isn't an option." I poked his chest.

"Also, it would be very stupid of you—"

"Enough yapping, I have a headache."

"Excuse you?!" I said offended, oh wait he's awake. "Have you been up this whole time?!" I accused him. "Mhm." He hummed.

"I just wanted to see, how it was going to play out. But my head is pounding, so please keep it down. No matter how much, I love to hear your voice." He opens his eyes, looking at me.

"Seriously? Getting your car wrecked to win an argument? That's a new approach." I eyed him up and down. "Sorry, I had just left my house. And I was on my way to work, but then I decided i'd come talk to you, because I felt really bad."

"I never even made the turn, someone ass ended me." He laughs lightly.

"You know I was crying all morning, yes i'm guilt-tripping you. Deal with it." I nodded.

"I love you too, i'm sorry I didn't say it back. It was stupid of me, I wanted to fuck you too when we met so eh." He shrugs it off.

"No—you didn't like me." I corrected.

"No." He shushes me.

"I liked you too much." He corrected, back.

"Is that why, you called Jackson a devil?" I finally allowed, myself to laugh about it.

"Who- how? What?" He twinges his brows, in confusion. "My dad told me." I let myself get comfortable, Tom scooted over a little. Extending his arm, I laid on it looking up at him.

"You really hurt my feelings." I pressed my lips together, scratching my nose.

"I'm sorry princess." He brings me in closer, if that had even been possible.

"I called Bill for advice, it was not good." I started laughing again. "What did he say?"

"He told me to suck you off, and then when I told him to be forreal. He said, get naked in front of you and apologize." I mean hey, honestly...

Solid plan.

"Ah, well yes that would have worked if my car didn't get ass fucked."

"I don't like the way, you phrased that. But i'm going to let it go, and you can drive my car for the time being. As long, as you take me with you anywhere you go." I compromised.

"Eh, i'll just get a new one."

"Fuck you, you privileged man-child."

"Fuck me? I mean shit..." He lifted the covers off of us. Oh, this little kinky son of a bitch.

"Nope, still mad at you. And you're concussed." I pulled the covers back. He smiled at me tiredly.

"You still came, even though I was being unreasonable." Tom plays with the sleeves of my top, fidgeting with the material a little.

"Yes, because without you... life is so boring. And plus, Theo made it sound like you were on the verge of dying on the phone." The amount of panic, I was going through on the way here.

It was a lot, let's just say that.

"I wasn't aware, I was that entertaining." He sends me a light-tipped smile.

"What are you talking about? You mean absolutely everything to me."

"How did we get this far into a relationship, without anyone finding out?" Tom leans down giving me a kiss, I held his face. Ready to invoice my answer to his question.

But I got cut off, by the door swinging open.

I pulled myself away from him.

"Until now." I added onto his statement.

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