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Rajvansh place was being bombed with the hustle bustle. The workers kept a pacing from one place to another. Roopa was beaming with happiness. She instructed the servants to make the arrangement in a proper way. Jai was frustrated since he took over this empire nobody is as her  determined yet careful person he met in his life .He can't let this girl destroy his house.

Pallavi and Sandhya were flabbergasted with the sudden surroundings happening right in front of thier eyes, As soon Jai and Uday announced about wedding dates ,Pallavi was still seated in the same place she was feeling Abhimanyu is not ready yet again Rajvansh  used his weakness for their benefit.

She knows Abhimanyu was ready to do whatever it takes to make his brother happy.
Because he was not happy at all with marriage arrangements.

"Abhimanyu  app change karen,esse Pooja mein nhi Beth sakte. " His mother clarified him and gestured a maid to hand kurta. "

Abhimanyu took it from her while rolling his eyes .He caught a glare from chachi before strolling inside.

Abhimanyu walked towards his grandfather's study as he was ready to join family business actively ,he has his reasons to enterin Rajvansh Empire. He always wants to become a businessmen but law become his passion now after established his firm worldwide he is just advisor to his team from last few months after few years Kabir will take over his position as he believes.


"Daddu, I wanted to talk to you about business offer." I said taking my seat infront of Senior Rajvansh.

It's morning time and I made a coffee for him with my hands , he loves coffee. He was reading his newspaper but he kept it aside immediately after seeing me.

"What are you reading Daddu?"

"Nothing more important than your this decision."

"Coffee? I handed it to him .

"how's it?" I asked him.

" Perfect! perfect just like my grandson." he said taking a sip.

"Kabir is in love with the her. "

"With whom ?"

" With  Kavya Rajvansh. They would love each other and want to get married."

"But your parents didn't told me."

"Offcourse they can't speak against your elder son and daughter-in-law. "

"Look I know you said yes to Marriage but you have to marry her as soon as possibly after Ishan's marriage And we will marry Kabir and other girl in coming year if you filled your bade papa's demand,  Your decision will help Kabir in future. "

Completely unable to say no to him, My motive to gain his trust and enter into business empire is more important. I decided to do this marriage despite knowing i will unable to love her , i made things clear to her hope she gets the hint .

The girl who made my heart skip its beat and ruin my sleep in hours is not in my destiny........ I shook my thoughts away. It's no time to think about it.

Thanks to God pooja went peacefully. Getting into my usual business suit. I walked off to the downstairs, Mom , All family members  except dad,chachu chachi. were waiting for me at dining table.  As chachu chachi went to their college early. Dad went for meeting. I joined them after giving a kiss to the mom on the cheeks.

Morning greetings rang around the table after everyone joined "So son, when do you   want to marry her? Mom ask pouring a fruit use for me in the glass.

"Who?" I ask back, digging into my breakfast.

"Your future bride and our future daughter-in-law." She replied pushing the juice glass next to my plate.

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