A shoeless child on a swing.

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It was Autumn, the cool air of the night had finally started to get to Abbacchio. He had to make his last rounds before heading back to the station for the night. He continued his familiar path watching as leafs blew in the night wind, everything was normal till he reached the park and what he saw was a shoeless child on the swings. The young boy(?) was looking down, the only park of his head that was visible was the messy mop of black hair. It was obvious that there was no attention or care put into it, another thing that didn't help the poor things disheveled look was his clothes. He was drawing in the dingy fabric of the jacket, jeans, and shirt. 

Abbacchio couldn't help both clench and unclench his fists as he stared at the boy, as a police officer Abbacchio felt obligated to help the shoeless child. So he went and sat right down next to him, the boy looked over at him and tilted his head. And abbacchio had to take some deep breaths in so he could speak to the child properly.

"You know it's rather late," He kept his voice calm and even, "Why are you out playing so late? Do you know where your parents are?" The boy looked up at Abbacchio, he made a humming noise before looking back down at his feeyt as he swung back and forth. 

"Kid, kid" Abbacchio cleared his throat a bit as his brows knit together, god he sucked at talking to kids. He didn't understand why the boy had been left out in the park alone and the cops instincts were starting to kick in. He could see now that the kids' hands were dirty and his clothes were ripped and stained. "What's your name kid?" He spoke kindly, trying his best to not let his annoyance with the whole situation leak into his voice.

"...why do you want to know Mr. Officer?" The boys grip on the chain of the swing tightened slightly as he slowly brought the swing to a stop. Abbacchio blinked, his brows furrowing deeper with the boys response.

"Well, kid it's a little late and you're all alone. Your parents aren't watching you," he paused and his eyes flickered down to the boys feet before they shot back up, "You aren't wearing shoes or socks. Do you even know where you live?"

"You don't need to worry about me officer, I know where I live and I know how to get home..." the boy lets his gaze drift away, Abbacchio crossed his arms and tilted his head, a small bit of concern flickered on his face.

"Kid-" he paused, looking up at the night sky with a sigh, "I'm only concerned because you just look so neglected. Besides that, a little kid being alone at a park on a school night is not normal," he explained. Abbacchio sighed quietly, there was no point in lying to himself, the child obviously may or may not have any idea where he lived and even if he didn't want to care the cop inside him wanted to get this kid back home safe.

"Just tell me where you live kid and I'll take you there," he finally muttered, "You can't be that far if you know how to get home."

"I..." the boy looked hesitant to tell Abbacchio anything. "I live in an apartment building about two blocks down from here, Mr. Officer." Abbacchio nodded before standing up and gesturing for the kid to come with him.

"Alright kiddo let's go," His face softened slightly as he spoke to the boy, "Oh and uh, what's your name?" He asked once again. The boy squinted at Abbacchio and then relaxes slightly.

"...you can call me Haruno."

The cop was quiet for a few moments as he walked, he was still on guard as he kept glancing down at the kid. "Haruno...?" he looked back up at the boy, "Do you mind if I ask you something, Haruno?"

"I guess it's fine... I won't get in trouble if I don't wanna answer, right officer?" Haruno looked up at Abbacchio and tilted his head to the side. The cop smiled a bit at some of the kids innocence.

"Oh, nothing like that, kid." He paused and looked down at the boy, "I was just wondering about your parents... Are they away or something?" Abbacchio furrowed his brow a little bit at all the questions he wanted to ask the boy, but he decided to give the kid a break and not make him uncomfortable by bumbarding him.

"They're working." His response was short, quick, and straight to the point. The cop stayed quiet for a few seconds, he was wondering if he should continue pressing for more information, but he decided it was best to just leave the kid alone.

"Alright, kid." He attempted to make his voice sound soft and understanding, "Do your parents know you're outside this late?"

"Yeah... yes, they know." His voice became quieter as they inched closer to the apartment building. The cop took notice of Haruno's response and decided to ask another question.

"So, your parents don't mind you being out here so late, do they?" There was a hint of concern in the man's voice, he wondered if the kids parents were even a good influence in his life.

"They don't mind, goodnight officer!" Haruno quickly went up to the front of the building before stoping. "Thanks for walking me home mister." He entered the building and made sure the door closed behind him.

Abbacchio stayed in front of the apartment building for a few more seconds before finally turning around to leave. He had plenty more things on his mind, like the obvious fact that the boys parents did not care enough. He shook it off though and left for the police station. In the days ahead Abbacchio continued to worry, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of home life the kid had.

He wanted to check in on the boy, but he didn't and he never will. 

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