Wedding [8]

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"Now it's time for makeup." Maya bhua says, showing the bag filled with makeup product.

Sitting in front of the mirror clad in ragged bridal language and whole lot of jewellery. She looked at her reflection with no emotion whatsoever.

This emotionless face was not something new for her. But this sadness creeping in her soul because she was missing her mother. On this day, the sadness creepy feeling was making her lose breath. Now she is verge of her panic attack.  Panic attacks were not new since her mother died. But after meeting, Kavya they were  curable. Ever since her mother died, her trust over love was destroyed .Ever since she decided to destroy her enemies, she accepted that she was going to be alone forever. She had that weird feeling in her heart.

And yet again sitting in her room ready for her surprising her emotions. She rubbed her heart to breathe. She's fighting against her inner demons. Arjun escorted Kavya out of the city in case  Senior Rajvansh  starts searching her weakness. Also  her father don't want any problem to stop this marriage and create any obstacle between  two political power  joining . Kavya left for final exam abroad a week ago.
Her body was shivering her hand tightly clutching her chair. All of this stopped,as her stepmom and sperm donar enterered the room . Mayra trailing behind.

Its been a couple of weeks since I am preparing for this day I knew my mom's death's revenge was never going to easy as Im fighting against Power, politics and money so since childhood my goal was to reach at position myself. my father made me his weapon without knowing it's consequences, he still think that I Prerna Rajput  will controlled by mother's culprit. My mother choose an easy option over fighting She accepted her defeat leaving her daughter behind who didn't understand the meaning of cruelty, Stiil I don't blame her I blame the people who made her believe that taking  life is only option to protect the rift sheads of her dignity . They killed her soul destroyed her mind, her body. They are going to die and my mother's soul is going to  rest after years.

Rajput Empire going to witness a Justice after 30 years. Their Culprits are going to shed Bloody tears. History will remember their destruction. I am going to rip their masks and tears their limbs into pieces.

"you are looking so pretty now." Mayra spoke as she gives me a sweet smile through the minor , indicating how well my makeup has been executed. since Kavya is not here she is my helping hand ,sister and for Rituals going on.

Moving my hands around the Soft yet heavily embroidered behenga I examined myself in the mirror s these gold jewellery matching with the look perfectly. It was sent by Pallavi Rajvansh. Royalily is shining from my clothes. As a child I always dreamt of something like this with my mother but not any more.

Just then my Bhua tapped my shoulder.

'Prerna, Bharat is here.'

I glance at the mirror for last time,I wrapped the veil around my head and headed downstairs, lifting my attire a bit up to point myself from falling walked beside Maya Bhua ,Mayra.  Press was filming whole wedding like it's an Bollywood event.
Bhua  leads me to Mandap that was setup in my mother's favourite garden amongst beautiful flowers and fountains around. It Surely is one of the biggest marriage of the State if not country.
All ministers , my team,Governor ,Business Tycoons, B-Town celebs are here, Mr. Rajput did number actually.

Apart from  Arjun I had no one to call a friend.

Drawing a deep breath, I sat infront of the fire pond as i hear the announcement of him coming " Mr Rajput, Groom is arriving."

I can sense everyone raised from their seat in his honour, yet i did not tilt my head to look behind.

My body freezes feeling his presence next to me. I gawk at him from the corner of my eyes. His biceps were popping out from his shirt . It's Sherwani that was settling with the turban on his head matching perfectly with my Iehnga but his cologne is not familiar. His face is covered with Sehra. He looked on me as I quickly everted my eyes  from him to pandit g , who was in front of us reading prayers.

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