Chapter 1

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Hartley's POV

"Keri hurry up!" I called as a red haired girl came running down the stairs. Those brown eyes locking on me while I waited for her to grab her purse. We were going to be late if she didn't hurry.

"Don't rush me! Beauty takes time." Keri told me as I rolled my eyes at her. We of course are going to a party. I was dressed in black jeans, a green t shirt, and some black converse. Keri was dressed in fish net leggings, with a very detailed black pencil skirt, a black and while tank top , with some black heels. How she made it down the stairs, I have no clue but here she was ready to go. we walked out to my gunmetal gray 1963 corvette. Keri complaining about my messy blonde hair and how I should have flat ironed it and how I should have put eyeliner on my eyes to make my gray eyes "pop".

Arriving at the party was a little bit of a challenge. I had no clue which house was it until I saw a drunk girl bust into the street and I knew it was the right house. I knew exactly who was in the street it was.... Sarah. She was always flirting with guys. Her long dark hair and hazel eyes made it so you had to pay close attention to your boyfriend. She was popular. Sarah and I use to be best friends until I started hanging out with the guys. She saw in her mind that I was a threat to her dating reputation, so she thought the best way to deal with me was to push me into the fountain at the mall. Ever since then I haven't spoken to her.

Keri and I entered the house it was being held by the coolest guy at school! Jake had most of the girls falling for him. Keri and I are the only girls who see through his charming acts, to see how pompous he truly is. After a while of dancing Keri left to get a drink. I went to wonder around to see if I could find my boyfriend Austin, I had told Austin I wasn't coming, so I could surprise him when I arrived. I finally found him in the living room. He looked disinterested, I was about to go and hug him when Sarah came up and touched his shoulder ,in a flirtatious sensual, when he saw who it was he smiled at her and he kissed her. I was about to cry when I screamed "Y-you Liar! How could you?!? I can't believe you!" He turned to find a hand colliding with his face leaving a red print the size of my hand. He looked at me with shock on his face as he stuttered to explain what had just happened but he never got the chance I turned and walked away. That's when I bumped into a blonde boy. "Sorry" I mumbled through the tears streaming down my face. He grabbed my wrist and in an Irish accent "long day?"

"You have know idea." I said

"I would if you told me." He smiled at me.

"Ok I will but let's go for a walk."

We left the party. Keri was dancing with a guy I've never seen before. After a safe distance from anyone who could be listening I told the strange guy what had happened with Austin. He was a great listener. After I was done the boy thought for a second and said "Well your ex was a stupid guy for letting you go." I smiled "Thanks for listening umm I'm sorry I don't know your name." He smiled saying "It's Niall. What's your name?"

"Hartley. Nice to meet you Niall, I've never seen you at school are you new here?"

"Actually I just moved here with my dad and brother. I'll be starting school Monday."

"Well if you need anyone to show you around town and school here's my mumber." I gave him my number and he gave me his number.

We walked back to the party. I found Keri smiling a big grin. She was ready to go, I said goodbye to Niall.

Niall's POV

I didn't mean to meet Hartley I just sort of saw her crying and thought she needed help. But after talking to her I'm glad I did. She was pretty, smart, and funny! What more could I ask for. The only problem... I'm kinda in the biggest boy band in the world. Ya know One Direction. Hartley didn't seem to know who I was she treated me like a regular person, not a pop star. I'm so glad I got her number. The reason why I moved here was because I need a break from the paparazzi and the fame.

I texted her number saying "hey Hartley it's Niall. R u ok? I mean after what happened with that guy? She responded after a minute or two. "Yeah. I'm ok. I should have saw it coming. G2g. Super tired. Talk 2 u 2morrow."

"Ok. Night Hartley"

"Night Niall."

Hartley'a POV

I woke up to my phone going off. Someone was calling me. Keri. I answered her call and the first thing she screamed was.."OMG! Louis Tomlinson is coming to our town for a while!" I stood there listening to her scream about Louis Tomlinson. She was always talking about one direction. About how cute they were and their voices. I was never a fan I stuck more to Adele, Carrie Underwood, Demi Lovato, and Kelly Clarkson. Little Mix was cool too! But when it came to boy bands count me out. Everybody goes crazy for them.

After Keri got done talking/screaming about the one direction news I decided to go out for lunch. My mom was working so she wouldn't care.


I know I'm not a great writer but I hope you like it

Beside you by 5SOS on the side

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