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Next morning in class..

" Tae how you left me ..??.. that night with prof.min.. i don't know.. what the shit ..I discussed with him.. you know I am very crazy when I drunk..and you also know.. i don't remember these things..when I fully sobber .... " Jm looking at tae with angry gazes..

" Sorry..dude .. but I am also confused..from when he knew your home address.. are you know.??.." tae stares at desk continuously like he is hella confused..

" I don't know.. i think I should talk to him in personal.." jm mumbled.. however prof. enter in class..

After class..

" Tae I have to go..wait for me .." jm making his way towards yoongi's cabin
" Tell me .. who are you exactly.." jm rushing towards yoongi's chais at which he sit..and grabbing his collar..

" Oo jimin.. " yoongi looking in his eyes which makes jimin' s shivers..

" What the fuck are you looking at ...huh..??.." jm mumbled as soon as pushing him away and yoongi' s bach hit with chair..

" Why are you racing secretly..huh..??..and how you know my adress...?"jimin shouting continuesly..

Yoongi noticed that all students staring into his cabin.. because the door is wild open .. he goes to door and lock it from inside..

" You wanna know..??." Yg moving back to jm.. and coming close and close to him.. making him leaning against wall..

" Because I am..your ... enemy...." Yg smirking widely looking at widen eyes of jm.. making him grin..

" Why ...why ..are you laughing.. ??.is it truth..??.. i don't think so.." jm mumbled but Clearly heard by yoongi.. because he is very close to him..

" No.. I am kidding... to see your that funny face ..." Yg grin as showing own gummy smile..

" Huh..??.. I am puppy for you ..." Jm said while looking in his eyes...

Jimin' s pov...

Everytimes I look into his eyes .. I just lost ...and i can't release my existence at that time ..my world stops ..my soul frozen.. my heart running like an athlete in Olympic...my eyes forgot to blink...

" You lost soul.." yg tapping at jimin' s forehead making him back into his sense..

" Tell me .." jm shouting as soon as he realised ownself.. and this is totally ignored by yg who is sit at chair ..

" You wanna know.. you know why everyone want this hide from you .." yg stated..

" Yeah .. because I am bad to keepin secrets and I am a dumb.." jm muttered..

" Exactly..." Yg said and giving him intense gazes..

Yoongi's identity...

He is secret spy in all black business..which is run in his state ..and he always wear mask at his missions .. that's why it's hard to recognise him.. but some peoples like Mr.Shiwoo knows him.. and many time they tried to kill him.. but everytime they been defeated in front of yoongi bult proof jacket and his skills in shooting..when he was child he always wanna become ..a racer .. that's why..Mr.jeon allowed him..but at one promise..that he never revealed himself in front of media .. otherwise someone be  obviously exposed him.. and Mr.jeon don't wanna lost yoongi.. because he is most trustworthy for him.. rather than busy jungkook ..who is always busy in his own business without caring about own father....... because he have to hide all these relations .. that's why yg lives in a small town at the corner of city .. and near to a famous club that was owned by jungkook.. last year..he is working at clg ..just find out the gang how supplies drugs to the students of Mr.jeon clg .. and that clg is running by Mr.jeon and Mr.park.. and most of the investments of Mr.park with Mr.jeon... since yoongi's father died..

These all things explained by yg .. now jimin' s world is clear .. his mind is stable now which is filled with thoughts lately.. now he knows everything.. and he sighed in fresh air afterall..

" Ok.. I fell light now.." jm muttered..

" And one more thing .. why was you not at track Saturday..??.." jm said while staring at yg ..

" Because I had some business that night .. ..why .. do you like defeats by me?? " Yg smirking because he knows him very well ..

" No.. it's not like that .. I just want to know.. can you defeat me .. in racing..??..i know.. you defeated me in drifting.." jm said but his pitch is higher than usual..

" Do you wanna test it ..??. I am ready..if you want..??.." yg raised left eyebrow and waited for his reply..

" Ye..yeah.. " jm replied..

" When.. ??.." yg asked ..

" Today .. at 9:00 pm.. at same place.. where you made me disappointed..at that day .. after very long time .. someone makes me this much crazy.. " jm explained like he want him down right now .. the felling of revenge clearly felt  here ..

" Sure .. " yg smirked..

" Ok ... Don't forget..' secret spy' .." jm said and widely smirk before going outside from cabin..


Stay tuned...

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