why? WHY ME!?

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Yo. Chapter 1 of my new story. Don't know why but my brains just decided to focus on edcob and jakeward stories. Alright here we go!!


Nobody's POV

Edward walked through the woods after spending the day with Bella, his beloved human girlfriend.

Earlier, a storm passed a while ago so the overpowering scent of dirt and leaves filled his nostrils making other scents useless. unfortunately for him. because of this, he didn't pick up the scent of wet dog so he had the misfortune of looking up only to see him glaring back at him.

Edward sighs "of course I have the misfortune of meeting the mutt after a peaceful day with my girlfriend."

Jacob growled at him and looked like he was about to insult profanities at Edward, hoping, the leech would attack, so he could at least have an excuse of why he teared him to shreds -effectively killing him... but... when Jacob stared into his golden eyes he froze. his thoughts were a mess so Edward couldn't even try to read them but one thing rung clear. Jacob black, had imprinted on him, a vampire and his best friend's boyfriend.

Jacob, in a daze, stared at him with pupils blown wide. He remembered that one of the elders said that, Imprinting is something someone within a wolf-pack does- it's a form of finding their true soul mate. It's spontaneous, but never something the person forgets. It's beyond even the wolf's control, he said. That once it happens, it's for life- and the imprint is irresistible to the imprintee. That person will not be able to resist the pull of the imprint, and if they do- they will cause much suffering and affliction to the one that imprinted on them. If the two don't commit to the bond, to eachother.. they will surely suffer. More the imprinter than the imprintee."

Edward read his thoughts. And was royaly pissed. he didn't care if this was dog voodoo or nut, but the audacity of the mutt to suddenly have feelings for him was insane! What of bella!? Sure he And her were going through a rough patch lately but they were still together. And this entire week, they had been happy. No different than the best perfect happy couple everyone viewed them as. "disgusting. you're delusional if you think I'll ever accept you."

Jacob's heart shattered at his words. if only he knew how much rejection hurt a wolf "no... no this can't be happening.... there's no way in hell I'd imprint.. on a vampire..." Jacob muttered to himself in disbelief. He finally got his imprint. It was a miracle – or pity depending on how you looked at it. Who was he kidding, it was a FUCKING disaster! This shouldn't be legal!

Edward furrowed his brow and narrowed his eyes at Jacob. anger and disbelief clear as day but the more dominant one was definitely angry. "Imprinting on a vampire is impossible. You're delusional, Jacob. just because you can't have Bella you want to have her boyfriend? how pathetic can you dogs get? Vampires and werewolves are natural enemies, and we are supposed to hate each other with a passion that even our racial hatred doesn't account for. And the audacity for you to say you see me as your 'mate' is quite outstanding if not stupid"

Jacob growled, swallowing the lump in his throat and willing his tears away. Edward's words hurt. fucking deep he might add "it's not like I wanted it.. it's not like I could even control it!!"

Edward took a step closer to Jacob, his voice low and dangerous "You need to stop this now, Jacob. You're not only insulting me, but you're also putting yourself in danger. The Volturi would never accept a werewolf imprinting on a vampire. You're playing with fire, and I won't let you light the flame you dog."

Jake's heart just continued shattering with each painful word. doesn't he know how much rejection hurts for wolves? "enough..! ..I... it's not like I.... I.."

Edward's face was hardened as he stared down at Jacob, who looked like he was about to cry. He couldn't believe this was happening. Just when he thought things were going well with Bella, now he had to deal with this mess."I don't care what you think or feel, Jacob. Just stay away from me and my Bella. This is the only warning you're going to get."

A tear slipped from Jacob's eye and he turned around to phase into his large russet wolf, but right before that, he said "go to hell Cullen.." he then phased and ran back to LA push. back home....

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