十五 | The Storm

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No ones pov

The hashiras gathered together again updating how the training is slowly coming to its end. Their topic switched to Oyakata-sama, they hoped that Muzan won't find them.

Natori's pov

Suddenly, I felt a faint familiar presence. A wave of disturbing aura passed me like a warning sending shivers down my spine.

He came.

I need to tell the others.

No ones pov

A little flame emerged and shaped into a bird, it flew towards the house where the hashiras were currently.

The fire bird crashed the window in order to enter startling the hashiras.
Without wasting any second, the bird said, "He's here."

"Lead the way."

The fire bird lead them to the place before dissolving in the air, and there he was, Muzan.

*biwa sound*

Now everyone was separated.

'So this is the infinity fortress...' Natori thought. She flew across the fortress covered in coal dust so she could be mistaken as a crow. The paper with red drawings Yushiro gave her was already glued on her forehead.

But she was still worried about everyone's safety, so she spat fire again summoning more fire birds and they flew in many different directions.

'Everyone, be careful.'

During Shinobu's fight

"Stand up Shinobu Kocho. If you want to win, then win. If you want to kill him, then kill him."


Her sister's face softened, "And if you have the option to live, then live. Live for me and yourself. Be happy."

Doma stood across her glancing down at her fragile body. It was time to end her.

Suddenly, she held a small bottle in her hand; there wasn't much in it, just two or three drops of a transparent liquid. And she drank it. Her injuries healed and the poison inside her body vanished too.

Doma was speechless, "This is... I think I've seen something like this before."

She smirked, "I bet you have." she raised the orange red pendant in the air, "Natori, please help me!"

The pendant glowed and transformed to a fire wheel, and the next thing they know, many fire birds came out from the wheel like it was a portal.

"Natori..." Doma watched the black bird then at the disappearing fire wheel, "you're alive I see. And still working for them, I think I'll never understand you."

"I never asked you to." the one of the fire birds replied, then it shifted its attention towards Shinobu. It smiled at her, "I'm glad you changed your mind. Is there something you want me to do to him?"

His songbird [R. Kyojuro × Oc! Reader] Where stories live. Discover now