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'Sup my savvy readers! Last chapter's answer was Fedora. Remember? Her nickname was Fe? If you didn't get that one, there's still this one to get. Enjoy! ~F

Ninth Period English
Mr. Delly, the only teacher in the universe who has us do class work on the third to last day of school, is having us do "creative writing" for the rest of the period, so that's what I'm doing.

Today was the usual "Your family's weird", "You're a loser", "Your brother's weird", "No the other one" nonsense. I wanted to tell them, "Come to my house Thursday and you'll see just how much of a 'loser' I  really am." But of course I didn't and I won't. That would be

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Comment Trivia Question: In 'Scumble', what is Ledge's savvy?

Comment Question: Sorry for the short chappie😁 But I'll see you back here on the 26th...?

Date Published: 16.9.28

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