Before we knew it

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My name is Alexandra, but my friends call me Lexy. When I was a little girl I was best friends with the biggest stars of today, One Direction. We did everything together, until they went to the X-Factor. The boys didn't notice that I was best friends with every single one of them. 

I was best friends with Niall on Facebook, Skype, Twitter, and anything else electronic that you can communicate with. I told him everything i never kept a secret from him. I was best friends with Louis forever. We went to the same elementary school and middle school. Harry we met through my dad. He travels a lot and my dad knows Harry's. I met Zayn by accident. He was running from a group of guys and he ran into me knocking me down. We've been friends ever since. And last but not least Liam. We met through high school. So they all were best friends already without even knowing it.  

We all hung out at different times. I would be hanging out with only one at a time. And we would be alone because my dad is always at work. So we never hang out all together. I watched every week of the X-Factor that they were on. I am so proud of them. I called them to congratulate and they thank you'd sadly. "I'm sorry that you guys didn't get first." I say.  

"We'll third is better than last or first one voted of the show after we came." I here Louis say.  

"Yea well congratulations. If I was America I would of voted you first I promise you. Love ya guys." 

"Love ya too Lexy! Hey do you wanna go on tour with us?"  

"Sure! When?" I ask. "We'll Simon says that we are so good and that since we are going to stay a band we are going to have our own tour. So after the X-factor tour." Harry says.  

"Ok tell me when that is and Ill get ready. Bye guys! TEXT ME!!" I scream cause it started to get really loud. "OK BYE!" They all scream back. We hang up and after about a minute I get 5 text messages. One from each of them and I laugh. I text them all for hours on end. They get tired and they go to bed.  

Before I go to bed I get on my computer. I sign in to twitter and I had 5 mentions. All the guys thanked me. I'm the one that told them to go for the X-Factor. I gave them all a mention saying your welcome. Then I get on Facebook and they tagged me in their status. They thanked me there too. I commented and went to bed. 

I wake up the next day to my phone buzzing non stop. I knew I had a call. I answered it and it was the boys. I realized it was 3 months later and try we're waiting on me to open my door and let them in. Time has gone by faster than I thought I would. I get out of bed and go downstairs and I unlocked the door. 

"I just woke up stop screaming. Please." I say and they do but then the tackle me in hugs I laugh and shake my head. I go up stairs and take a shower I change into I decided to leave the top un-buttoned. I blow dry my hair and then pull my bangs back into bobby-pins. Then I put a little make-up on and I walk out with my suitcases.  

The guys won't stop staring at me. I laugh and the guys help me with my bags. In the SUV the seating arrangement is Harry and Louis in the front. Then it's Liam and Zayn in the middle and Niall and I in the back. When we get to the airport and we had to have security hold all the girls back Niall put his hands on my ears because he knew that I wasn't used to it. We finally get through the airport security and we board the plane. "How do you guys know what songs your going to sing?" I ask. 

"While we were doing the X-factor tour we made an album and it came out today!" Niall tells me. 

"Oh ok so your going to give me a copy right? So I can know what your singing?" They nod and I smile.  

"I love you guys."  

"Love ya you to Lexy." They all sing (literally). I laugh 

"See this is why I sent you guys to the X-factor. And that's why I put you guys together as a group." I say the last past under my breath.  

"You put us together as a group? The judges said they did." Liam says surprised. 

"I did, Simon is my uncle and he asked me to choose 2 groups on boy group and one girl group and I wanted you guys to get to know each other and become friends. I did it because I wanted to hang out with all of you at once and I wasn't able to do that with you all in different parts on London and in Ireland." I say and they get what I'm saying. 

"We'll we have to thank you." They say and I smile. "So how's being famous what is it like?" I ask.  

"Wait you said Simon is your uncle!"

"Yeah, he is married to my dads sister. He gave me singing lessons as a kid and he wasn't very nice about it either. He told me that I couldn't go out for the X-Factor because he knows He would use favoritism and he did want that. He wanted to do it with a person or a group of people that he has never worked with or think is the best of the best. That's why he chose you. He thinks your the best of the best even though he doesn't say it." I say and they smile. "Oh no no no no no no no no! No! NO!"

"Awe come on once for us please!" They all say and I give in go their puppy dog faces because they look stupid doing them. I sing because of you by Kelly Clarkson. They are amazed and my uncle walks through. 

"Hey uncle Simon, the boys figured out or secret." I say and he looks at them. I'm behind him mouthing 'please don't tell him I told you please.' And they don't eat me out. "So I told them everything." I say and uncle Simon tells the boys to also call him Uncle Simon because he feels they are family. They accept and I laugh. When Uncle Simon leaves I give them all a hug. "Thank you guys you are life savers. 

"We know." They all say and I laugh. We sit back down. I am sitting next to Niall. I told him everything that I did while they were gone, and he did the same. I laugh at the funny and got sad at all the sad things. I fall asleep on Niall's shoulder. I have always liked Niall more than a friend but he doesn't feel the same.  

I wake up and Niall was gone and the guys were staring at me. "I did it again didn't I?" I ask them. "Yeah it's a good thing he was asleep, the whole time. He just went into the bathroom as you were waking up." I am relieved he didn't hear what I was saying. I get up and when Niall gets out I go in there's a shower and everything, so I take a quick shower and I change into and the boys do the same they did yesterday when I went out to get my makeup bag. I grab it and I run into the bathroom before they could catch me. I don't have the heels on yet so I'm good. They hate me wearing make-up. They playfully hit my hand every time they see me put it on.  

I fix my hair and put my makeup on. I come back out and they all give me the death glare. I laugh and put everything away. In about 2 hours we will land. So I ask the guys to send me the playlist. Harry does and I listen to it the whole time before we land. I don't know what they were talking about while I had my headphones in but I hope it wasn't about me. When we land I get off and there's a bunch of girls there. I stay near Uncle Simon and press ask who I am. "My niece." He says and we leave. 

Later that evening 

*on the news* 'Simon Cowell has a niece, Lexy Patterson is the also best friends with the band one direction. They told me that she's the one that sent them to the X-Factor and Simon confirmed it. So it must me true.' I sit in shock. I then feel my self blush. The boys are all behind me laughing. They then say, "It's true no need to get embarrassed." They laugh harder. I roll my eyes and go to my room. I lay down face first into my pillows. I then hear a knock at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2014 ⏰

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