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I already informed everyone i will collect my things from my apartment which will take maximum 2 hours. But thanks to Arjun it takes only hour.

My security didn't speak as Mansion come into view .

"Stay" I mumbled getting out from the car .
Seeing nobody at house entrance my suspicions grow .

When I walked into the house from my left side people are yelling at each other ,near them  Abhimanyu Rajvansh was standing as similar clothes as my groom only face veil[ Sehra]  is missing. 

The look on Rajvansh family's face confirmed my doubt. They don't saw me entering as I walked towards them when nobody notice me , I hide slowly  behind a huge pillar to my left become my shield. It look like family living room ,because the common was in the hall ,I don't want them to change conservation or hide their real motive. Looking around the hall i saw all family  present including Ishan but in causal clothes .

Abhimanyu was standing near her mother almost sulking like a child. He is looking like someone asked him to share his candy .

Voice of Rekha Rajvansh broke my thoughts.. I tap my watch recorder in case of Proof.

"I don't understand why nobody picked my damn call." She rubbed her forehead.

"But why now Mom my son got married." Pallavi intervened.

" Ofcourse you will be happy , you got best girl for  your son without any hardwork."
Roopa yelled.

" No, bhabhi this is not taunt  I  am merely stating facts." Pallavi politely answerd this time.

"No !No!!why will  you taunt me it's my son's happiness got snatched " Roopa
purred like mad cat.

"But Ishan was the one who left house and marriage leaving a note?." Sandhya point out obivous .

Now Its making sense why Abhimanyu took Ishan'splace ,senior Rajvansh doesn't want to loose his candidate.

"Papa Ji Tusi dsso my Ishan returned, he learned from his mistake." Uday and Rekna looked toward Senior Rajvansh with hope filled eyes.

"I will talk to Abhimanyu and new bride later." Jai said.

" All of  you are serious my son is not a thing you can be used and discarded as required, you all blackmailed my older in exchange of younger son's happiness. " Pallavi lashed at  her selfish in laws.

"Bahu how can you raise voice infront of  sasur ji. " Rekha stood up glaring toward middle bahu.

"ohh please mom !will you ever speak for others rather than  badi bhabhi or bhaisa? "  Pallavi said.


'Bahu !!! Pratap and Jai shouted unison.

I like that, so Pratap Rajvansh had a tongue but for prehaps  for week people only. Show is quite entertaining but I can't decide what my newly husband want.I want to get angry that they betrayed me but I'm not , beside this drama ease my few days to destroy the roots of Rajvansh household.

"Mom,  Ask  Abhimanyu bhai to divorce her or rather not tell her about their marriage ." Ishan pleaded his mother.

" My baby, don't feel sad your dad and grandparent's will do something. " Roopa kissed his cheek lovingly.

"Hmm i like the idea of Ishan ,don't tell bride make and excuse for ritual will be do tomorrow. "  Jai Rajvansh ordered confirming a nod from almost everyone.

"This is wrong papa, Daddu ," Viraj ,Sandhya, Pallavi, Ruchika spoked.

I was about to walk towards them behind from pillar when a voice roared.

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