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poison ivy

THREE SWORDS...that's the first thing Lin spotted on the swordsman. Even the simple, plain appearance of the katanas didn't fool her, they were worn down with little scratches and weaved with intricate silks and cotton. An experienced user, no doubt. Someone her mother says to not mingle with, as they only bring trouble with weapons in their bloody hands.

"Interested in swords?"

His deep voice cut through her daze, the intense brown of his eyes following with Lin's curious stare. He sat by himself in the corner of the bar, clearly not wanting to be bothered by the other customers. Not looking for a friend, just to down a couple of a drinks. Patrons always drank in the middle of the bright day,

"Oh! No. Sorry. Three beers, right?"

He nodded.

Lin scribbled onto her notepad, three beers and placed the check on his table. Heading towards the bar, she placed an order for the new customer as her mother, the bartender of the place, quickly whipped out three beer glasses and prepped the drinks. Without realizing it, a red flush crawled up Lin's neck and coated her rosy cheeks.

He caught me staring...

The obsession of finding her savior had slowly risen over the years. At first, sixteen-year old Lin desperately repressed the idea of finding out who it was. It didn't matter. As her mother said, the man who saved her didn't want recognition nor did he want acknowledgement, clear by the way he left without even showing his face.


"Huh?" She answered with widened eyes.

"You've been standing there without saying a word. Come on, get these to the customer."

"Sorry, Mom..." Lin muttered before balancing three beer glasses between her hands, a skill that she picked up from countless night shifts where the Marines would order multiple drinks at the same time. Another round for us, one rowdy table would say as another group would stroll inside and order even more. A full table, please!

Placing the filled beer glasses down, the swordsman gave her another glance with little expression on his face. He was difficult to read, his voice hardly wavering. It was only a matter of seconds but his eyes lingered a little too long for her liking.


Is all he said.

Once the swordsman left, Lin could only think about how the swords would sound in the air—slicing through so fast that it thundered in the stillness of the forest. The sound had remained clear and crisp inside of her head, no matter how many times she replayed the same memory. It had been many years, but everything remained the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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