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This is a work of fiction. No character, incident, or scenario has anything correlation with any living or dead person in real-life. They are purely a figment of the author's imagination. The looks of characters in this fiction might be inspired by a few celebrities, but it has no correlation with their real-life personalities or behaviour. Ary similarities found are strictly a coincidence.

Some important considerations for this this fictional universe :
This is a Lycanthropic universe where the male omegas don't reproduce either way, thus are stereotyped only as objects of desire. Although, in reality, they possess many unique qualities like every other subgender.
Centuries long evolution later, most wolves can't shift into their wolf forms, but their instinct, scents, and sensing abilities stayed intact.

Trigger warning: Mentions violence, human trafficking, kidnapping, illegal activities, prostitution rackets, child abuse, mistreatment, and different forms of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. Reader's discretion is advised.


The omega groaned in pain. Shifting uncomfortably, he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He was still a bit out of it. His body was sore, and his brain was foggy. The chair he was sitting in provided a bit of comfort, but he would still prefer to float in mid-air to avoid the pressure on his fresh wounds. Wait! A Chair? How did he land up in a chair? The last he remembered, he was thrown into a fucking dumpster. He tried adjusting his eyes into the shadily lit room.

"Great! You are up! I thought we lost you for good." A voice startled him.

He moved a bit, squinting his eyes. That's when he saw a man clad in the finest suit, with several visible piercings around his face and ears. Short raven hair that contrasted well with his milky-white skin. All in all, he looked like a strong wolf with his sharp features and observant eyes. However, Taehyung couldn't smell him. He couldn't figure out what kind of wolf he was. Not that he cared about the subgenders. In fact, he was far from it. All his life, he had struggled to fight the stereotypes. Being a male omega had made him the target of plenty of judgements, so he wouldn't do that to other wolves. Still, knowing what the other wolf was would help him plan his defence, at least verbally. Most alphas behaved so typically that by now Taehyung knew how to tackle their fragile egos. 'So, much for being the 'strongest' subgender.' Unconsciously, he chuckled at that thought bitterly.

"Oh! He is laughing? Dr Hyuna, are you sure he didn't hit his head in the attack?"

It made Taehyung realise that there were other people in the room. It looked like he was being surrounded by a mob. Most of those people looked exactly the same kind that had beat him to the pulp.

"I cannot be 100% sure with a superficial assessment, leader-nim, but I am 85% sure that he passed out due to exhaustion and not because of concussion." The woman with the bright face and calm expression spoke.

"Then why is he laughing like a lunatic after waking up? Yoongi-ah, you sure you got the correct wolf and not a doppelganger?"

"Yes, leader-nim. I confirmed it with your informer. I shared a photo of him and he recognised him even with the beat-up face. However, the possibility could be that your 'informer' was misleading us all along and he duped us with an actual lunatic. He is also wearing a scent blocker so it's hard to confirm without removing it. Do you want me to snatch the patch, leader-nim?" The 'leader' rolled his eyes at that, and it irritated Taehyung even more.

"I am right there, you know? I can hear you. One movement near me and I will snap your neck in a second." Taehyung snarled.

"Your confidence is admirable but remember you had literally passed out of exhaustion." The pale man with a scar across his eye spoke.

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