~Field Day~ Ro+kiddos

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Rohit Sharma was about to have a field day both literally and metaphorically. It was yet another day when he would have to play Captain and Bhaiya.

As India was managed to wrap up England just for 218 in the first innings they would be batting in the first day itself.

Rohit quickly managed to find Sarfu before he would get ready. Sarfu was sitting with Juru.

"Don't mind Sarfu, I am sorry didn't take that call." Rohit appologised for not taking that DRS call when Sarfu was adamant that he had heard something.

"Haa, Sarfu I am also sorry because I didn't hear it." Juru appologised. Ro was sure that Juru had already appologised multiple times because he knew how the boy was.

"Arrey, Koi baat nahin. Akhir mein all out kar to diye hai humne, mein yeh sab mind nahin karta hun." Sarfu replied with his sweet smile. (No problem. At the end we did all out them, I dont mind these things)

Ro smiled and ruffled his hair. "Great stumping mini soldier and incredible predictions. Keep it up." He said patting Juru on the back too.


Shubi hit a six on the on side when Stokes was trying to trap him on the off side and Ro was impressed by the shot selection. He had seen this boy mature.

He went through a short rough period and people were mean. In the era of social media criticism would always reach a peak but he didn't let any of that stop him.

Ro watched him work hard endlessly to gain maturity and perfect his flaws. Him and Rahul bhai sat together to give him numerous pep talks and Shubi's father was nothing less than a coach. Above all his hard work gave him a more stable ground.

As the last ball of the day was over and they were heading to the dressing room. "Well done Shubi,the on side six was beautiful. Told you, time will change."

"Bhaiya, stop flattering me I still have a lot to work on." Shubi said.

"I was saying the truth Shubi." Ro said as he patted him on the back.


Rohit had just finished freshening up when he got a text from Jassi.

Jassu (Bachha 1) 💙
Bhaiya I'm coming in your room in five minutes
I need your help please keep the door open

What happened?

It's Yashu

And then exactly after five minutes Jassi dragged Yashu to Ro's room. "Bhaiya he is all yours now. Love you and bye." Jassi said before quickly leaving the room and left behind Yashu looking like a child who failed his exams.

Rohit tapped on the space beside him beckoning Yashu to take a seat next to him. Once Yashu sat down and silently observed him for a while.

He could guess the reason why Yashu was like this. "I'm sorry bhaiya." he mumbled.

"For what?" Ro asked in a gentle voice. "For getting out so stupidly." he said in a serious tone.

Rohit gave a dry chuckle, "There is no clever way of getting out." he joked. Seeing no change in Yashu's expression he said,

"Look Yashu, you are young and hungry for runs and these mistakes are normal once you play more and more matches you will gain expirience and with expirience will come maturity." he paused briefly then continued, "If you are worried about playing stupid shots I still do those."

That managed to get a chuckle out of him.

"Look Yashu there is a reason I dont pubicly compliment you and that is not because I hate you. It is because I want you to stay grounded. I don't want all those to get to your head. You have worked very hard to be here, I just didn't want you to waste it. And I'm not saying that because I am mad at you it is because I want the best for you."

He hugged Rohit and said, "Sorry bhaiya, I will try my best not to repeat it." And that was the thing about Yashu. He was a little too much like Rohit making stupid mistakes and then regretting it.

He sighed and said, "Promise me Yashu, never let your hunger die. Never lose your spark. Enjoy every second of your batting."

"I promise bhai." Yashu replied.


Once Yashu left Ro decided to check on Kullu once. He couldn't praise him enough because he took the most wickets on a batting friendly pitch. He walked up to Kullu's room which was open most of the time.

He knocked once and then entered to find Kullu smiling at his phone. "Kullu?" He called

Kullu looked up from his phone and gave him his million dollar smile. Oh how he loved this kid. He quickly rushed to him and hugged him, "Hello bhaiya." He said

"Hi Kullu. I came here to tell you I am very proud of you and you played really well. But I see you are busy on your phone. Who are you talking to? Girlfriend?"

Kullu flustered and quickly said, "No bhaiya I was looking at the news."

"You were smiling looking at the news?" Ro was surprised "Yes bhai they don't think I should be dropped anymore." Kullu said and Ro's heart dropped.

"Kullu, I have already told you no one will drop you as long as I am the captain." He assured him and said, "And dont read the news, you know how they are all praises but no real support."

Kullu nodded. "Bhaiya, Can I be honest?" He asked "yes."

"I feel a little weird now that you dont spend time with me as often. Have you got sick of me?" He asked looking up with his innocent eyes

"I could never get sick of you kullu. Achha chal, I will stay here for tonight. Okay? Happy?" He asked

Kullu's face lit up "Very happy."

These were the field days Rohit really enjoyed.


A/n : New test = New content = New chapter

Also I felt like a literal god after predicting both the scores absolutely accurately 🗿

And if you guys haven't read my Rohika book pleaseeee check it out.


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