26 | Dear Diary (04/05/2011)

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Word count - 1400 (Short chapter since it's a diary entry.)

Song - All Izz Well [ 3 Idiots ]

26  |  Dear Diary (04/05/2011)

May 4, 2011


11:55 p.m.

Dear Diary,

Whoever said that civil engineering and architecture were two much easier domains of engineering, I would respectfully request them all to consume a bowl of cow dung each.

Forget about architecture; civil engineering alone has forty-five subjects of its own. And then there are the tests, vivas, theses, projects, and the main exams of both programs combined, each carrying a word of death from Lord Yama himself. By the time I reach the solution to a question, my overly intelligent brain decides to forget what the initial question was all about, and by the time I am done with my project, I seem to experience an amnestic attack, trying to recollect what the concept behind the project was all about.

I swear, if ever the cooks in our hostel mess decide to write a cook book, I can bet that will be the last day when people will find Gordon Ramsey and Sanjeev Kapoor alive on the face of Earth. Not that my mother cooks anything great herself, but damn! Even her non-existent culinary skills put the cooking prowess of the cooks in our hostel mess to shame.

The washrooms in the university hostels seem less like washrooms and more like production sets from low-budget B-grade Bollywood horror films, each corner sporting the habitat of a different species of rodents and bugs. By now, I am myself confused about whether I walk into the sets of 'Man Vs. Wild' or into the sets of an Indian horror movie every morning. As it turns out, I walk into a terrific combination of both.

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