A message from me to my followers

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The fact that the comments in photo I've attached with this are just two of many, many hurtful that I get on YouTube (the photo is two comments from two separate videos)

It literally breaks my heart, and just...destroys me that this has become a regular now. I used to use them both, mainly YouTube, as a place where I could express myself. I have horrible anxiety, and a heavy fear of friends leaving me. And I never posted it publicly because I've been healing, but at the start of February my last two closest bestest friends decided they were done with me. I knew one for 3 years and the other for 5, and their reason for being done with me was because I don't like to talk about gross personal things with them

The now both hang out with all my ex-friends, so now its a big group of six. It's basically our old friend group of six, but they replaced me with the girl who flirted with me two years ago on Halloween

So having people telle things like this person did on my channel, just....it makes me feel so scared to post anything on TikTok and YouTube. I used to feel comfortable posting about how I felt and expressing my feelings, and now I'm terrified. These comments are why

(If anyone has any questions, pls ask me but in a civil manner. Pls don't yell at me and insult me..)

On YouTube and TikTok, I'm cyberbullied and stalked. Mostly stalked on TikTok, mostly cyberbullied on YouTube

Wattpad is like....my safe social...

You guys are literally so sweet and kind, and I'm just so grateful to have you all to support me and you're all just....the sweetest

So to all of you who have been so supportive and comforting and kind, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You guys have no idea how much it means to me to...be able to vent on here, and not be told things like "maybe you don't deserve friends" or "I don't give a f**k about you, get over it"

I'll see you guys in the next story, whether it be a oneshot or story book. Platonically love you all so so much❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💕💕💕💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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