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The sound of laughter filled the air, a flaming orange haired man splashing three kids running about. "Come here Asante!"Ember laughs grabbing a boy with blue, blond and green hair. Asante kicked his legs and took off when Ember set him down. A girl with brown hair and golden eyes tackled Ember from behind, laughter coming from him as he fell over. "You got me Athena! Where's the little sneak named Alyssa"Ember grinned his eyes darting around. Alyssa leaped onto his back, letting out a squealing laugh as he started shaking himself around, trying to buck them off like a Tauros but not hard enough to send either of the girls flying. Asante let out a yell of surprise, Ember freezing with wide eyes. Adaman held Asante out in front of him at arms length, a cold look on his face. Eddie flanked the man, glancing at Adaman nervously. Asante trembled under the man's gaze, his eyes wide as hit breath hitched in his throat. "I was hoping you had died and joined your wrench of a mother..."Adaman mutters coldly.

"What are you doing?"Adaman demands narrowing his eyes. "Playing sea monster..."Asante mutters looking as if he was facing death itself. Adaman peeked past him at the shallow river. "Perhaps....I should throw you off the cliff into the ocean and see how you do then..."Adaman mutters a glint in his eyes as his grip tightens on the frightened boy. Adaman scowled, Asante's eyes beginning to water pure fear showing on his face. "Who told you to make the same expression as her"Adaman demands coldly. Asante flinched, hands snatching him away. Ember placed the boy behind him, tiny hands gripping his outfit. "Stay back.."Ember commands scowling, a dark look on his face. Adaman looked at his palms, then wiped them on his outfit. "I should start spending time with them..."Adaman comments turning away. "I'll send Eddie for them in a few days." Eddie looked at Ember, getting a cold look from the man. "Eddie!" Eddie turned and walked after Adaman, glancing at the three trembling kids.


"What?"Cyllene demands coldly. "Adaman is gonna spend time with them"Ember responds Kamado frowning. "No he will not!"Cyllene retorts hugging a trembling Asante close. "I agree, we don't know what he'll do.."Kamado frowned narrowing his eyes. Ember glanced at them both, knowing the two were more worried about this then they were showing. Asante sniffled, clinging to the woman as tears fell down his face. "He threatened to throw me over a cliff into the ocean..."Asante says. He wailed, Cyllene's eyes narrowing as she patted his back. "We should hide them here...Adaman has no interest in them and he'll loose interest again"Ember suggests handing Alyssa an apple slice when she tugged on his cloak. "Eddie is Adaman's eyes and ears, he knows almost everything, and he'd find out they're here and come get them." Irida walked in, Palina behind her. "Aunt Palina!" Palina smiled, holding her hands out, the triplets leaping into her arms. "I'll take them"Palina insists a feint figure with brown hair appearing behind her.

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