Chapter 11

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"Can you please hurry the hell up??" Reggie groaned, standing by the door.

I scoffed and slowly braided the last part of my hair. I was going to do it quickly, but since he had to speak, I'm gonna make him wait even longer.

"I swear you're doing it on purpose." my brother complained.

"You woke me up ten minutes before we need to leave!" I accused.

"Exactly! Ten minutes is enough to change and get dressed."

"You miscalculated," I tsked. "I need eight minutes to get my morning routine done, five more to get a simple set of clothes, and another five to get my braids right."

"You're slower than a freaking sloth!"


Half an hour later, we finally left the room. Since we're still early- not surprisingly because someone had read Mingze's text wrongly- so we headed to get our own breakfast first as we're staring.

"Uhm Excuse me, can I know where the breakfast place is?" Reggie asked as we walked up to the registration counter.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" The woman smiled brightly- a little too brightly for 9 in the morning.

Reggie looked at me. "Uhm...."

I frowned. "Why are you looking at me?! You learned Duolingo, not me!"

"Uh.对。" Reggie spoke. (yes)

"What'd you say?"


"Aw you two are so lost. Do you need a taxi ride?"

"What'd she say?" I asked again.

"Uhm 好." (good)

"Fantastic. There are some people waiting for you on the third floor."

I looked at Reggie. "Maybe she's saying it's on the third floor?" I guessed, seeing that she held out three fingers.

"Oh. 对对."

"Amazing! You should really go now, they've been waiting for a long time."

" 好好"

"Great. Now go along so I can get my money."

"对对." Reggie nodded, pulling me away.

"What did she say?" I asked as we headed to the lift.

"How the hell should I know?!" he exclaimed.

"Well, you seem like you understand."

My brother gaped. "All I said was Yes and good to her multiple times."

"You sure? What you say don't sound a lot alike."

"I did!" he insisted and I scoffed.

"Some language you learnt."

While we were halfway past the main lobby, there was a loud crash.

"RYLIE WATCH OUT." my brother yelled.

A second later, I was tackled to the floor, his body above mine as something swooshed past where my head was previously at.

I stumbled to my feet, my eyes widening in fear as the dude with yellow teeth and bucket hat advanced towards us, accompanied by a friend.

His friend looked no much better than him.

"Reggie, Reg, get up get up." I gushed, half dragging my brother backwards.

"Calm calm heel!" he mumbled, struggling to get to his feet.

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