𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. stay calm

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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───જ⁀➴    𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚈 CALM    𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❫

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

AALIYAH WAS SMOOTHING her dress out as they were walking by the carpet.

"Don't be nervous, just be you," Valeria held her hand, "Just pose. Remember when we had that sleepover when we were nine and we had a fashion show? Do that." She then laughed, causing her to laugh as well. It calmed her down slightly, but she didn't even know why she was this nervous.

She was bound to get anxiety, which was normal, but she expected after her mental scolding she would be calmed down by now.

"Wait, where's Maddie?" As soon as the question escaped her lips, they were met with Madelyn's pants.

"Bitches, guess what the fuck happened!" Madelyn said excitedly. She was squealing in enthusiasm, which helped Aaliyah take her mind off of all the eyes that would be on her. Well, her friends.

"What?" Aaliyah replied in the same amount of optimism, jumping up and down with her, a bright smile on both of their faces.

"I got the part!" She basically screamed, covering her mouth almost instantly, but the excitement didn't leave her body once.

"That's amazing!" Valeria let out a laugh in disbelief, pulling Madelyn into a hug that Aaliyah joined in, "I guess today is full of surprises." Valeria mumbled.

"Let's go before this feeling of uncaring for anyone watching me goes away," Aaliyah spoke, but wasn't fast enough as Madelyn was pulled into an interview already. Well, she waved to the camera silently behind Malachi, one of their friends who was being interviewed.

Madelyn glanced at the girls, about to walk over to them until she had the sudden urge to put her business somewhere else, which was hilarious in Aaliyah and Valeria's perspectives. Madelyn rushed next to Malachi, who was taken aback by her presence so randomly and unexpectedly. He laughed for a second as she moved closer to the microphone.

"This just in, I am legally allowed to say, that I have gotten casted for something you will probably see today! Heard it here first folks, from Madelyn Warren, herself," She spoke in the third point of view for a second, before waving goodbye, leaving the two men in shock.

"That's Mads for you," Malachi laughed, his voice becoming faint the further Madelyn walked away.

"Okay, I'm excited, let's take some photos," Madelyn said as she pulled the girls softly alongside her, the three taking none of it serious for a moment. They made a few jokes while doing so to help Aaliyah open up, which worked.

They then tried to be more serious, which ended in shambles because they just couldn't look at each other with a straight face. That took a bit of time, however after that, the two of the three got pulled into separate interviews. Aaliyah was obviously fine with that, so she stayed away slightly, her anxiety now through the roof for some reason.

She finally realized she had been fidgeting around with her bracelet, and so she mindlessly looked down at the stack, smiling at the one with the spider charm in particular. She saw Madelyn jumping up and down in joy, yet she later heard her name being faintly called.

Valeria was moving her hands, calling her over gingerly as a smile made its way onto her face, "This is Liyah—Aaliyah,"

Aaliyah waved at the camera, muttering a 'Hello' to the interviewer who had mirrored her kind smile.

"Us three: Me, Maddie, and Liyah have been friends since forever," Valeria placed her head on Aaliyah's, making them slightly tilt their heads to do so, "And she's one of the most incredible and thoughtful people I've ever met. She is a wonder, and I thank Dylan everyday for helping her ask us that Frozen question."

"Seven years later, this is us," Aaliyah brought Valeria into a side hug.

"Now this is me and my best friend, alright! If this isn't us girl, I don't want it. We're just missing that one girl now," The interviewer commented, making the two laugh. "Not to seem too nosy or anything, but I heard Dylan was mentioned? Now, which one are we talking about because I've heard some speculation," The interviewer asked.

Aaliyah and Valeria shared a look for a split second. Aaliyah had no words to explain the sudden energy she felt when he was mentioned, but had to say something.

"Dylan, is a long story," Aaliyah sighed with a smile, "Sorry but it's true!" She let out a chuckle, "To specify, it's Hoffman. Dylan Hoffman, and we've been friends for about ten years now."

Valeria had taken the opportunity to make sound effects, "Ten years! Buckle up, this story is way too long."

"Which is why we will not be sharing on this fine day," Aaliyah gave the interviewer and apologetic smile, feeling her social battery go down and it's only been a few minutes. She was kind enough to give her back a nod in understanding, making Aaliyah feel relieved.

Just as they were about to go, Valeria pulled Aaliyah back as she talked into the microphone, "And this is the girl you stalkers have been questioning her existence about."

Valeria then left with Aaliyah, who found Madelyn ready to enter the event. They were sorted onto the same table, thankfully, and made their way as it was starting to fill up.

The whole thing was a new experience, but she was glad for her first time at something this major, she had her best friends alongside her.

The whole thing was a new experience, but she was glad for her first time at something this major, she had her best friends alongside her

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🏹 𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ... !
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ the updates go crazy

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