twenty six

861 39 17

It was around midnight, when Jimin felt like tae moving and whining a little in sleep ,at first he just hugged tae and gently rubbed his back to make him calm and that actually worked and tae went still but as a few minutes passed he was again whimpering making Jimin to completely wake up .

Jimin: ( Got up and sat beside tae taking his head into his lap as he saw tae sweating and clutching his eyes tightly ) Tae ? ( he whispered near tae wanting to know if tae is awake or not but got no response and only few lewd whines ,he placed his hand on tae's forehead and felt his temperature ) Ah He is burning ! ( said nearly to himself as he looked at other side and saw Kook sleeping while his left hand was around tae ,) Jungk-( He was going to call Jungkook but stopped hearing silent cries of tae ) Tae ,baby are you ok ? ( Asked worriedly seeing the fresh tears rolling down the younger's eyes ) Is there something bothering you hmm ?

Tae:( sniffed while rubbing his eyes ) h_hyungie

Jimin: Yes baby ? Hyung is here ,Why my bub is crying ? ( asked concerned as he stroked his hand through Tae's hairs ) Tell Hyungie is something bothering ? ( tae gave a light nod as more tears escaped his almost closed eyes with a few quite whimpers )What is it ? Is it hurting anywhere hmm? Do you need something ?

Tae: ( buried his face in Jimin's lap and mumbled while sobbing ) H_hyung my body h_hurts

Jimin: ( soften more ) Its gonna be ok ,no crying hmm !( said massaging and rubbing his palms and arms ) Want water ? ( asked as tae was sweating so much and tae nodded his head in tiny feeling his throat heart when he tried to speak ) Let me get it for you ( said as he gently shifted tae's head on pillow from his lap and got a glass of water for him ) here! ( said sitting as he helped tae to lift up a little and then make him drink water )

Tae: ( drank a few sips and laid back feeling his head suddenly start spinning as more tears make their way to his bread cheeks ,just then he felt an arm around his waist knowing very well who it is ,he just removed Kook's arm from himself without even looking back as Jimin agian hugged him )

Kook: ( due to all these movements and sudden lack of presence ,he perked open his eyes and saw Jimin awake ) Hyung why are you awake ? ( asked in his sleepy voice as he sat straight and then his gaze trailed toward tae whose back was facing him but he can sense his body shaking lightly )

Jimin: He is having high fever ( said in low voice as he saw tae closing his eyes )

Kook :( became worried as he touched tae's cheek but tae just hide his face more into jimin preventing kookie's hands from touching him ) ta-

Tae: D_dont touch_h m_me ( said in a broken voice which makes Jungkook take his hand back )

Kook: baby I w-( he tried to held tae's arm to turn him toward him but tae removed his hand once again with his shaky hands )

Tae: I don't_t need _ d your c_concern_n ( said crying and shut his eyes closed feeling his body hurting badly with every movement he will do )

Jimin: ( patted tae's cheeks softly ) Its okay baby_ ,he qont do anything he will just check you ,let him hmm ! ( he said in a soft way making sure tae understands as he tried to make tae lay straight who refused to let go of jimin's embrace )

Tae: h_hyungie no_ ( at this point his voice merely came out and he has start shivering badly )

Jimin:( looked at kook and sighed knowing very well that tae wont listen to him either )

Kook: ( sighed heavily as he replaced his guilty and worried self with a cold look ) Lay straight tae ! I need to check you ( said a little coldly )

Tae: ( didn't reply but he got a little scared hearing the cold tone of jungkook )

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