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Third person pov
In the night

Jungkook entered his room and was surprised to see jimin there lying on his bed while reading a book. He smiled slightly and closed the door behind and locked it before turning towards the omega who was unbothered about his presence. He slowly went near the bed.

"Jimin thank you for coming here and staying with me. I promise I will keep you happy." Jungkook said. Jimin abruptly sat up and glared at the alpha.

"Do you think I came here for living with you happily huh? No!! Not even in your dreams. I came here to make your life as living hell" jimin spatted.

"I don't care as long as you stay with me" jungkook said with smile and walked towards the other side of the bed for taking bedsheets and pillows, making the omega more angry as he didn't get the expected reaction from the alpha.

"Why can't you atleast stop pretending inside this room?" Jimin asked annoyed.

"Jimin, you don't understand. I'm not pretending. It's the real me please understand I'm really changed" jungkook replied while taking his things and walking towards the couch.

"Even I would have believed if you have said the earth is square but not the thing that you have changed because It will not happen in this life and what the hell are you doing now?"

"What am doing? Preparing my bed to sleep" jungkook said.

"And who gave you the permission to sleep on the couch huh?"

"This is my house. To whom should I ask huh?"

"To me! And you should not sleep on the couch"

"Then where will I sleep?"

"Mm.. in the floor! Go and sleep on the floor" jimin said.


"I said sleep on the floor!!!" Jimin said sternly. Jungkook sighed and threw his pillows and bedsheets on the cold marble floor. After preparing his bed there he laid down in the bedsheets and covered himself with a warm duet. It was hard for him as he never slept on the slept on the floor before, his bones are pain and it's was very uncomfortable. He was twisting and turning to find a comfortable position but couldn't. What to do? Nothing but adjust. Jimin laid down comfortably on the warm soft mattress with satisfied smirk on his face.

'This is just a beginning Jeon. Just wait and watch what and all I will do' jimin thought and soon drifted off leaving the poor alpha who is finding hard to sleep.

Next morning

Jimin was drying his hair when jungkook exited the bathroom Fully clothed. He directly went towards his closet and picked his today's outfit. Jimin was already dressed up neatly and professionally and now doing his hairstyle while standing infront the huge dainty mirror. After few minutes jungkook came out from the closet handsomely attired, he walked towards the mirror silently and stood beside jimin before doing his hair and other things. Jimin completely ignored him and continued to do his make up despite the urge to kick the alpha.

'what shall we do now?' jimin thought.

Jimin took the body spray on the table and grabbed jungkook's arms turning him towards him and sprayed the whole spray directly on jungkook's face without hesitating making him yell in irritation. Jimin removed jungkook's blazer and covered jungkook's whole face using that blazer before bending him a little and punching him using his elbow on his back. Jungkook was continuously yelling but jimin doesn't seems to care about it. Finally after giving one last kick jimin left jungkook who fell on the floor groaning still covered with his own blazer and left the room with a satisfied grin.

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