she's awake

323 11 4

5 weeks later
Your p.o.v
I opened my eyes and I saw an unfamiliar room. How did I get here? I turned my head and I saw a sleeping luffy next to me he started to stir I quickly closed my eyes I wanted to hear what he would say.

I felt a hand on my forehead "y/n please wake up I wanna hear your voice, your laugh I miss your smile I miss everything about you" luffy whisper near my ear. Then I felt a tear  on my shoulder. Luffy is crying I must've been asleep for awhile.

I slowly opened my eyes again. Luffy didn't notice he looks like he's in a deep thought. I cleared my throat to get his attention. Luffy looked up and immediately ran towards me and hugged me I wrapped my arms around his waist. He tightened his grip around my neck "it's okay luffy I'm okay" I said patting his head with my left hand .

Luffy let go of me few seconds later. I tried to sit up but I felt pain in my shoulder I groaned in pain luffy helped me sit up he sat next to me.

"Where am I?" I asked looking over at luffy "your in law's submarine you had to get surgery over your broken bones" luffy said. Luffy put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. "How long was I out?" I asked
"You were out for five weeks. Who did this do you remember" luffy said

I sighed "can you get the crew they need to know too" I said luffy nodded kissed my cheek then got up to get the rest of the crew. I never told the rest of the crew about john luffy is the only one that knows. Luffy I know is going to be livid once he hears this.

I heard the door opened In walked the rest of crew. They each gave me a hug telling me how much they missed me.
Luffy sat back down sitting next to me.  "Okay um I never told you guys this but when I was twelve I lived with a man named John baker I was homeless he invited me to his house" I sighed everyone was looking confused  luffy was worried because he knows about what I went through.

"Um not long after he started to sexual assaulting me since I was twelve to sixteen I even got pregnant but I quickly had a miscarriage" I said

Everyone had tears in their eyes. I sighed loudly "the reason I'm telling you this the guy who did this it was john baker" I said luffy got up looking at me in disbelief "but I took care of him at your island how-  "wait you already knew and you didn't say anything" usopp said anger written all over his face

"It wasn't luffy fault I told him to not tell you guys so blame me not luffy" I said raising my voice a little. "Luffy you didn't took care of him he let you defeat him and he has devil fruit powers I don't know the name but his whole entire body turned silver and that's how I got badly injured" I said

"We have to find him and- I interrupted luffy "no luffy I don't want that" I said everyone looked at me like was stupid "Why's that?" Nami asked "because he probably thinks I'm dead and if he does let's let him think he killed me i don't want to deal with this anymore" I said everyone didn't look satisfied with my words.

Luffy sighed "if we bump into him we will fight until his last breath" luffy said witch made everyone cheer expect me.

After few minutes of talking about anything but my injuries and john baker. law came in holding a clipboard "well y/n everything looks good you need to take it easy for a few days. Do you feel any pain" law said
"My shoulder that's it" I said

Law turned around and opened his drawer and handed me Tylenol. "Take this whenever you feel pain" law said
I nodded.

I tried to stand up but before I could do anything luffy picked me up bridal  style I put my arms around his neck. "Okay let's go back to the ship" luffy said walking away from everyone else

I smiled at him we got on the ship but luffy didn't put me down "luffy you can put me down now" I said luffy shook his head no "no I'm taking you to my room" luffy said we made to his room witch was slightly open. Luffy kicked opened the door and closed it after he walked in.

Luffy put me down on the bed and sat next to me on the right. "I kiss missed kiss you" luffy said with a kiss after a word.

"I thought I  lost you I didn't want what happened to ace happened to you" luffy said with his voice cracking at the end. I quickly grabbed his neck pulling him towards me he shoves his head into my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I felt my neck getting wet. Oh luffy I put my left hand on his back and started making circles trying to sooth him. "Luffy I'm sorry you thought that  nothing like this will happen again" I said. Luffy pulled away from me still having tears going down his face.

I wiped away his tears giving him a smile. He leaned in kissing my lips
I kissed back after a few seconds we pulled away from the kiss. "Ace would have loved you" luffy said with a smile I smiled back. "Thanks luffy" I said

I layed down feeling tried suddenly. "Is everything okay" luffy said with worry in his voice. I looked over my shoulder with a tired smile "yes luffy I'm just tired" I said yawning at the end. "I let you sleep then" luffy said kissing my forehead walking out of the room closing the door behind him.

He's so sweet to me I don't understand how I got so lucky I closed my eyes and quickly sleep took over my body

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