Lunch is the most important meal of the day.

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Sky and Red.
Two very peculiar names, which suited two very peculiar people. These people inevitably fell to fate and became lovers.

Sky is a light blond girl roughly 5'7'' with glasses that highlight her beautiful blue eyes

Red, ironically is a ginger with curly locks that need to be brushed more than they are.
He liked to be active with his friends but he was mostly an indoor person.
Sky on the other hand played sports, she specially liked softball and Red loved to watched her play.
Sky was kinda a spaz, Red liked to be more calm in front of people.
Red was funny, Sky loved to laugh.
Sky wrote a lot, and Red loved to read.

They were a perfect bliss together, they complimented each other. It was a fairy tale come real. But every fairy tale has a villain. And their villain was society.

You see something you don't like, weather it's too anything, too scary, too salty, too big, anything, and you put distance between it. Society pushed these too into an awkward position. Forcing Sky to chose between her best friend, and Red.

Red wanted her to be happy, truly happy. So they decided to fake a breakup and keep it on the down low. But, when you keep the princess locked in the castle too long, the price is bound to go save her.
Here is their story

Red pushed open the cold steel door to the huge highschool he now called his own.

His eyes darted around, from person to person searching for his friends.
"Jeeze this school is huge" he whispered under his breath as he pushed his way towards where he thought his first class was. He rambled through his list and popped up in front of two big glass doors, he peered through to see a teacher sitting alone in an empty classroom. He double checked the list and opened the door.

"Graphic arts and design?" He said, posing it as a question to clarify this was the right class.

"Yah, class starts in 15 mins, take your time choosing a seat" The teacher was a woman, no older than 30, fresh out of collage or something.
Red walked up and took the desk next to the teacher, he scratched his watch and look at the time.
"Four an a half hours tell lunch"


Sky came through the front holding her cup of Dutch bros tightly in one hand, and her softball bags in the other.

"Fuckin shit imma be late now" she picked up her pace a bit, nobody was in the halls because class had already started
She walked into her avid class and saw that she knew a few of the people in there. She sat next to her friend and pulled out her phone, she saw a text from Red
"Only 4 hours left" it said with a kissy face at the end
She smiled and put it back in her pocket, everybody was staring at her with her big goofy smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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