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Y/N FELT AN ARM TIGHTLY, making its way around her waist once Saiki got into bed with her, his deep breaths intimidating her. She still tried to keep her thoughts small, but it was also hard constantly playing brain dead. She just hoped that everybody was looking for her, but little did she know that absolutely nobody was doing that. Only Saiki knew why, and even he was wondering if he should've told her why she wasn't ever going to leave his side. He's already done that before, but the situation changed by now.

"You smell so nice, Y/N..." Saiki told the other teen casually, his nose getting a long whiff of her beautiful scent. He then realized that it was him who picked out the body wash, and he internally praised himself before he smiled at the girl that had her back facing him, "I mean it was me who got you the body wash. I guess I'm just proud of myself... But anyway, look at me Y/N. I already know what you're thinking."

Y/N clenched her jaw in anger as she forced herself to turn to the male, her eyebrows furrowing and a very obvious pout along her face. Patiently waiting for what it was he had to say, she felt him immediately cupping her face. He could only smile, knowing how hard all of this was for her, "I know you're annoyed by me saying that.. but I really can hear your thoughts at all times."

The female felt that only made her situation much more worse, and by now all hope was sunken from her, and Saiki was glad for that. That meant she wouldn't even bother attempting to escape him. He knew he could also use that fact to manipulate himself into believing she loves him back all of a sudden.

"It's not like I don't want to hear them at all. I'm just telling you how it is..." he felt the need to constantly remind her though, and that was the issue. He knew she hated it, but he didn't care at all. He wanted her all to himself, even if it meant she had to be faced with the facts that she would never be able to form a thought of leaving. He would always be steps ahead, even if he acted like he couldn't read her mind.

Shuddering at the thought of him reading her thoughts as he was still reading her thoughts in that moment, all the girl could do was lay there, averting her E/C eyes as usual, "Okay... I get it.."

The kidnapper winced as he himself looked away, his purple eyes wandering all over her body. He hated the fact that she couldn't bear to look at him. Like she was just disgusted by him. Like she hated him. It actually made him want to manipulate her mind into thinking they were in a healthy relationship with no flaws, but he just couldn't. He knew he'd feel like he was dating a robot, and not the actual Y/N he fell for.

Hand reaching up to the side of Y/Ns face, he softly cupped her cheek, a sensitive look showing through his face, "I'm sorry, Y/N... I just don't want you getting any ideas about leaving me. You know you wouldn't be able to in the first place.."

Unsure of what to say to that, Y/N just fluttered her eyes shut, still staying silent, and before she knew it, she felt a soft pair of lips being pressed against her own, causing her E/C eyes to widen as she flinched back in the bed, her breaths randomly getting heavy, "Woah! Saiki...! What the hell...?"

"I wanted to kiss you... You just looked so pretty..." he mumbled underneath his breath, a new look showing through his dark purple eyes as he then began to run his hand down the sides of Y/Ns arm, making goosebumps grow all over her usually soft skin.

The E/C eyed teen just parted her lips with narrowed eyes. She didn't know how to let him know that he couldn't just kiss her like that without telling her beforehand or even asking, but she also didn't want to protest because she thought something way worse would've happened to her, so she just calmed herself down and rested her head back on the bed.

She shut her eyes just like before, only this time she turned her back back towards the purple eyed teen and played it off like she was trying to fall asleep, even though she knew she would be up for the rest of the night, thinking about what he'd just done to her lips.

Eventually, she felt his hand wrapping around her waist, and soon enough it was lowered down to her hips, making her eyes pop out of her skull. She just glanced over her shoulder, only to see that Saiki was already watching her with a small smile placed on his lips. Not wanting to give him the wrong idea, she just pushed her head back onto her pillow.

"I bet you'd look even prettier naked underneath me, Y/N..." he breathed out, feeling the way the girl tensed up with a grimace that grew over her face. Still, she didn't utter a word, although she knew that wouldn't get her anywhere since he could listen to what she was thinking of.

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