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It was 9:26PM. I'm so bored.

Where is Tom?!

I mean, there are some nights where he has to stay on call. Meaning he doesn't come home, which also means i'm cuddling with Capper and rethinking all of my life decisions.

But he'd usually, tell me when it was one of those nights, and we haven't talked in... four hours.

I went to his contact, calling him.

Tom picks up on the second ring, but he wasn't speaking. "Baby, where are you? I was hoping we could have a movie night." I whined, digging my head into the couch pillow.

"Hey, i'm sorry I won't be home tonight." His voice was hoarse, almost like he had been crying? "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just had this patient awhile back, I treated for just a minor burn. It's too much to explain, over the phone but, he doesn't have any family, and he came in today, he had a stroke."

"Anyways, i'm just staying overnight. I wouldn't imagine how it'd feel to be going through this alone, and I have a special bond with this guy." He clears his throat, with a subtle sniffle.

"Is it okay, if I come by? Will they let me in?" I got up, off the couch. Putting him on speaker instead, I pulled down on my pajama shirt. Making sure, I looked semi-presentable.

"They'll let you in, if you say you're like.. his granddaughter or something, but it'll be a long night and the chairs in here aren't comfy." He sighs, his breath slightly wavering over the line.

"That's okay, i'll be there in fifteen. I love you cutie, don't cry please." I hung up the phone.

Whenever Tom cried, it suddenly made me feelin like crying. It's a bad habit, but... he doesn't really cry, and if he does i'm crying as well.

I put my UGG's on, pulling my socks up. I got a throw blanket, and my phone charger.

God losing a patient must suck.

I quietly entered the room, looking over at Tom. His chin resting on his knuckles, as his legs splayed out onto the recliner chair.

"Any updates?" I questioned, taking my shoes off. I leaped over, laying beside him.

I spread the blanket out onto both of us, getting comfortable in his embrace, Tom kisses the top of my head, watching the older man in the patient bed. I hugged him, for a sense of comfort, I didn't know who this guy was.

But he must've been, kind of close with him.

"No updates, uhm.." He sniffles again, hugging me even tighter.

"Micheal—Mike, came in on my first day working here. He had just a second degree burn, that was it. I gave him a cream for it, and bandaged his hand, I actually got to know a little about him, he's homeless."

"So, I started visiting him a couple times every month. He's an alcoholic, but he's been going to his meetings so he can get a job. I haven't been visiting him this month, and suddenly he comes in and he's had a stroke so..." Tom sighed.

"Please don't cry." I lifted my finger up, wiping the wet blotch by the corner of his eyes.

"I'm sorry, he was just... I don't know. I'm not really close with my dad either, and he's the only person who's come close in a while." He apologizes, nervously pulling at the ends of his fingers. I can't handle this.

"It's going to be okay, Mike will be okay." I reassured, leaning up. I gave him a kiss on his cheek, wiping away the imprint of lipgloss.

Tom turns to his side, extending his arm out. Our legs entangled, with each other. Cuddling on the small cushion, I played with his hair. Holding him to the best, of my abilities.

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