I Still Fucking Miss You

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I know this love's not worth it

Why do I still miss your stupid shit

You brought up the best in me

Just to bring down just to bring me down to the core

I'm so lonely

Why do I still miss the days you'd take the blame

Why do I miss you're stupid twisted games

You were always blue, but never true

Oh my, why do I still fucking miss you

All my friends told me it was a bad idea

I thought you were true, so I ignored all the signs

But looking back you caught me good

You caught me real good

Why do I still miss the days you'd take the blame

Why do I miss you're stupid twisted games

You were always blue, but never true

Oh my, why do I still fucking miss you

You're a liar (liar)

You're still alive (alive)

I'm sure you're doing quite well

But look at me, I'm a mess

I don't know how I got here, but I'm sure you're blessed

You're having fun, and life's all good

I'm sure you forgot about me

And I miss the days that you would call me sunshine

I miss the days that I could call you mine

So why do I still miss the days you'd take the blame

Why do I miss you're stupid twisted games

You were always blue, but never true

Oh my, why do I still fucking miss you

Why do I miss the person you would never show

Why do I miss the person who would take me through highs and lows

You were always blue, but never ever true

Oh my, why do I still fucking miss you 

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