Ch1: The Lake

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Heyyyyyyyyyy!!!! This is my first book!! I hope y'all join me through my journey of writing it!!! And stick with me through it all!!


There was a calmness that the lake had about itself. It was almost unsettling as I walked completely naked into the cool water. Almost.

I had a strange feeling from deep inside me that the lake had been awaiting my arrival, that it wanted me to search for its deepest secret. The mother of all secrets. Almost begging me to retrieve it.

Determination swelled in me as I walked waist deep straight to it. To where the secret was waiting. The one they told me to go to.

" Into the erie lake. Near the tree with a gap between the branch and trunk. Under the dark waters. Atop the soft silt. It's waiting for you. We are waiting for you ,Cordelia." They repeated in my ears.

Coming to a stop at the spot, my foot nudged something hard on the bottom of the lake. The box. It was right where they said it'd be. The voices. The ones who followed me.

Tilting me head, I concentrated on pulling it towards me. I felt a jolt and felt the box rising through the water up towards me.

"Open." They whispered anxiously as the box was starting to surface.

There was a nagging feeling in my head. Pressuring me to open the box.

Now taking over the voices hypnotized me as they gripped my hand tightly guiding it to my neck where my locket was, breaking the chain apart.

"Yes. The key" they hissed in unison.

"Hurry up. We need to unlock it. We need to unleash it now!" One of them commanded jerking my hand towards the box floating on the water. "NOW!!"

"Wait..wait..wait!" A second one said pausing my hand."What if it's true. What if the curse is real." It whispered .

" That's not important. We won't be harmed we will be protected once we open it." A third one spoke.

"We can't be so sure. The one who protects the box. The Siren. What will she do?" The second one said.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this!" The third one said now unsure of
the sirens threat. Pulling me a step back away from the box and loosening it's hold on me.

"WE WILL DO THIS! We have to! Both of you know this!" The first one forced me back to the box. It gripped my wrist, the one holding the locket putting it into the key hole.

It clicked and unlocked. Releasing a bright light.

"Yes! Its out!" The first one shouted in triumph.

Suddenly a shudder erupted through the lake as a ripple formed making its way towards where I was.

" She's coming!" The second one said releasing me causing the locket to fall and sink into the water.

I felt the voices leave me as I was brought back from my trance.

I sucked in a breath knowing full well of what was coming towards me from the deep depths of the lake. Having no where to run I brought my arms across my face and closed my eyes not wanting to see her despising face.

It was the minutes of silence that caused me to open my eyes . Seeing no sign of the the siren I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Then a beautiful voice started singing softly in my ear causing a shudder to rip through my body.

I turned my head towards the beckoning voice. To see a beautiful woman in the water a few feet from me. She had long wavy dark brown hair, sea green eyes and porcelain skin. She was smiling as she sang a soothing song.

Something about this told me that I should just run out of the lake back to the safety of the castle but I was entranced by her voice.

Run. Run now.Get away before it's to late! My head begged.

"Its already to late Cordelia!" Said the woman whose eyes where pitch black now. She smiled wickedly showing rows of sharp teeth .

I frowned. Then it dawned on me. She's the siren!!

Before I could move she lunged at me slicing her hand across my bare chest.

I gasped. Bolting straight up out of my bed.

A sharp pain spread across my chest. I looked down to see five long diagonal gaping gashes.

Lots of blood started running down body from the wounds.

" Oh God!" I whispered hoarsely " Oh God! Oh God!! It happened again!!" Frightenly I stood up taking in what was happening.

"NURSE!!NURSE!!COME QUICK!!" I screamed."SOMBODY HELP ME!!" I wailed.

Tears ran down my face as the pain intensified. I fell back onto the bed, breathing rapidly as I started to panic.

Whimpering I laid sideways on my bed as waited for someone to come.

Their memories are flooding into my dreams again. My ancestors memories.

That only means one thing. The curse is real.
So that was the end of chapter one!! The person who was at the Lake is Cordelia. She is one of Adonais's ancestors. The girl waking up with wounds on her chest is Adonais. Who was injured in her dream which was Cordelias memory who also was wounded. So to break it down since Cordelia was wounded in her memory which was Adonais's dream, Adonais was injured when she woke up . It will be explained through out the story. I hoped you lovelys enjoyed it though!!! Please comment and tell me what you think!! Peace out!✌✌

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