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 "So, what exactly happened last night?" Ryder asked, a frown was prominent on his face as he leaned against the counter island. "No actually what has been happening because this seems like it happened before?" he argued with an agitated flick of his hand.

Kory was propped beside him, her arms folded across her chest while her fingers toyed with her green and gold pendant draped across her neck. Opposite her sat Gar and Rachel, shoulder to shoulder with Tim at their side while Dick stood at the head of the table, shuffling uneasily in place.  Harper was still asleep. Dick had to pry himself out of her embrace soon after she drifted off with bleary eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

There was heavy silence that filled the air, worry and concern circulating off all the Titans.

"Is Harper, okay?" Rachel asked, her hands were wrung together on the table, pale fingers twiddling anxiously . "Last night I felt her fear, it was...suffocating" she winced as Dick and Kory sighed. " I've only ever felt that from her once before" she said as they turned their attention to her but her eyes were focused soley on Dick. "It was the night we found you, dead. Her eyes were yellow then too" Rachel muttered as Ryder grumbled something along the lines of it's always him which resulted in a sharp jab from Kory.

"Crane. He's the only logical reason I can come up with" Dick said. "I noticed it too. When she tried to kill him. Her rage and her fear. I've never seen her like that and then at the amusement park-" he trailed.

''What happened at the amusement park?" Kory and Ryder both interjected. They had never uncovered the reason the five Titans had look so startled after the mirror maze, simply brushing it off as a result of the attraction but there was clearly something more, something deeper and Kory and Ryder just didn't know what. 

"I don't know. But it's the same thing that happened last night. One moment she was fine, smiling, laughing and the next she's in hysterics, her hands over her ears mumbling it's not real and then her eyes-".

"They were yellow" Gar chimed dreadfully as Dick nodded.

"This doesn't sound good" Ryder muttered. "You mean to tell me my sister has been seeing things for weeks now and no one thought hell, we should tell her brother about this?" Ryder seethed as Kory placed a gentle hand on his bicep, but his anger didn't simmer.

"We thought it was lingering effects from Crane. She never did tell us what went down with him. The only person who knows what happened that day is Jason and even he was too shaken to share. We didn't think it would get worse and we didn't know she was suffering like this." Dick said. "You think I would've sat back and do nothing had I known" Dick growled, his shoulders squaring in defence. "She's my girlfriend!"

"Then you should've realised when something was clearly wrong" Ryder barked back, ignoring Kory's low protests. "But once again Dick Grayson is so blinded by his self-righteousness to ever admit when he is wrong".

"You need to shut the hell up'!' Dick growled as he took a threatening step forward, Ryder straightened as both Rachel and Kory jumped to their feets.

"Woah, what happened to talking shit out!" Tim tried to reason; his eyes wide in panic.

"Stop this!" Rachel cried as Gar leapt from his seat. "Woah, guys chill" he rationalised, practically seeing the anger rolling off the two in waves. "This won't help Harper if you're trying to rip each other apart. She needs us, probably more than she's ever needed us before and I'll be damned if we don't find a way to help her." Gar said furiously, his glare jumping  between the two men. ''So sort whatever personal vendetta the two of you have with each other, make up, and then help us figure out how the hell we're going to help her. Because God knows she would've crawled though the depths of hell for us. So, stop acting like children. It's bad when I have to be the responsible one" he muttered finally before spinning on his heel and storming into his room.

The rest watched in stunned silence as the green haired shapeshifter marched away from them, his words ringing in their ears with a final declaration.

"Hate to say it but he's right" Rachel agreed. " Whatever's wrong with Harper needs to be sorted out before it's too late. I know how it feels, to live in constant fear and anger. You guys do too" she said pointedly. "Something about this whole situation doesn't seem right" she said before following after Gar, gently tapping on Tim's arm as he reluctantly glanced between them all before following after the teen. Kory released Ryder, taking a step back as she sent the two a pointed glare.

"Behave you two. The next time this happens I'll scorch some sense into you both" she said before sauntering out the room, ignoring Ryder's attempt to pull her back.

" You're a right pain in the ass" Ryder muttered, his jaw ticking as Dick scoffed.


"I don't understand what my sister sees in you" Ryder grumbled, raking his hand down his face in agitation. "I could say the same for Kory" Dick bit back with a roll of his eyes.

"Like children!" they heard the distant echo of Gar's voice, cursing his hearing as they muttered profanities under their breaths.

''Look I've said this before, I don't like you Dick Grayson and chances are I probably never will. But I'm willing to put whatever problems we have between us aside for the sake of Harper" Ryder said. "She's my sister, I'd do anything for her and if that means us getting along to help her then so be it" he outstretched his hand. Dick glanced down at his, stifling his annoyance, he met him halfway.

"Fine" Dick huffed before he tugged Ryder close, pressing firmly down on his hand as Ryder bit harshly down on his tongue, his jaw locking in anger. "But try this shit with me again and I'll flatten you like a pancake. You're lucky I love your sister otherwise you'd be long dead" Dick warned before letting him go, straightening up as he tugged his shirt down before giving the man a fake grin. "Great we cleared things up" he said before patting his shoulder rather forcefully and deciding to return back to his room ignoring the rage that consumed the older Phoenix.

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