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Author pov

It's Been a 2 week since taehyung and yn talking in phone and message and yeah yn has feelings for taehyung but yn didn't confess yet because she scared that taehyung reject Her, meanwhile taehyung love for yn keeps growing and taehyung thinking that he will soon confess her.....
On other side jungkook admit that he like jiya....... right now jungkook in cafè because of meeting.

End of pov

Jungkook pov

I come to café for the meeting....
I was waiting for Mr.charles...
And yeah I like jiya and I admit that but I didn't confess her because  if she reject me that's why....
I was in my thoughts....

Mr.charles: sorry for keep you waiting *sitting in chair*

Jungkook: it's okay *shaking hands*

Mr.charles: shall we start meeting *smile*

I nodded and start the meeting after half an hour meeting is finished.

Mr.charles: so, we would love to work with you Mr.jeon *hand shake*

Jungkook: oh, thank you and we would also love to work with you *smile while hand shaking*

After we left from there, I bid Mr.charles and I was about to Sat in car until I saw JIYA...
wait who with her?
I saw EUN WOO...
I cleched my jaw in anger and stared at them...
And WTF they are matching clothes
(Imagine eunwoo outfit is white)

They walk towards the cafè area........
She saw me and awkwardly smile at me I just stared at her...
Btw she is looking cute and beautiful in this dress 😍

Btw she is looking cute and beautiful in this dress 😍

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(Jiya outfit)
Jungkook control....
She walk towards me and stand there and that cha eun woo smile at me....
I ignored that and smile at her....

Jiya pov

I and  eun woo want to go out firstly I say no but he insist so In last I say yes and today is holiday so i don't go University.We went shopping and so many places
I and eun woo was walking until I saw familiar figure his back facing as he turned I wide my eyes and looking at him

We went shopping and so many places I and eun woo was walking until I saw familiar figure his back facing as he turned I wide my eyes and looking at him

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