Jealousy (Rohit x Virat) (part 2)

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Sorry for the wait of so many days guys. I sincerely apologize but school has been such a good headache that it's really a massacre here. I always say I'll try to update often but that never happens.

By the way, Rahul won the voting fraternity for my book. It's he who's the top. I am sorry if anyone is disappointed but I left the work to you guys. I don't have a choice anymore. The more voters win. I hope everyone understands that.

But I hope you enjoy the smut..


Rohit moaned into the kiss shamelessly when he felt Virat's cold hands slide under his shirt and brush against his soft skin of his abs and waist. Virat didn't had to do anything and the boy already moaned. So he, not letting go of the chance, slipped his tongue inside, and devoured Rohit's mouth with a hum every time he was satisfied. Rohit tasted just like chocolates, Virat's favourite. Their tongues danced together as Rohit didn't even try to dominate. (Y'all know the reason).

Virat pulled out after he but at Rohit's lip who groaned due to some blood coming out. But Virat again joined their lips, wiping of the blood with his tongue and sucking on his lower lip few more times so that it doesn't make his boyfriend hurt anymore.

(Me : Virat that's an ew. How can you lick blood of some other person? You're vampire or wott?

Vi be like : anything for my boyfriend

Me : *slapping my own forehead* this is why I don't have a boyfriend. I need this much confidence to have his blood.

*Cringing at my own words*

Me : I'd rather be single than having blood of some other people with some other blood group.)

Virat slipped his tongue down Rohit's jawline and between his neck, who leaned his head back and moaned to give Virat more access.

"Hm, you like it?"


Virat smiled against his boyfriend neck, slowly taking his skin in between his teeth and biting and sucking on it as the other was overwhelmed by the pleasure. Virat moved down from the place where he bit, which went red, as it would probably turn purple the next morning and form a good hickey.

Virat roamed his tongue around Rohit's collarbone, trying to open his shirt by pulling it down but then realising that it won't come off like that. He moved away a little and helped Rohit take off his shirt.

Virat immediately aimed for Rohit's chest, sucking and biting on whatever part he could.

And then his favourite part came. Rohit's perked up nipples.

Without wasting any time to tease Rohit, Virat attached his lips with Rohit's right nipple, who's eyes widened, as Rohit threw his head back and his eyes rolled up. He was very much sensitive there.

Virat swirled his tongue on the outskirts of Rohit's nipple, giving him a teasing treatment. Hearing a whine from the other which was more like a moan, Virat decided to give it all. He sucked harshly on Rohit's nipple as his index finger and thumb played with the other one. Rohit was sent on cloud nine with all the pleasure he was receiving.

"Uu--hhh, Viiiii."

He moaned Virat's name as he got a spank on his ass right then which made him finch.

"What is my name again?"

Virat asked in a chilly voice before moving his lips out of Rohit's nipple with a 'pop' sound. (This is so kinky🙂)

"S-sorry daddy."


Virat moved his lips down Rohit's belly stopping at the edge of his pants as he played with the waistband of Rohit's jeans.

"D-daddy please."

Rohit whined, when Virat's member softly brushed against Rohit's, creating an intimate friction.

"Hm, what do you want baby?"


Rohit blurted out as Virat sat up straight on Rohit's legs.

"If you ask properly, I might give you what you want."

Rohit stared at Virat with his 50% closed eyes and started to speak,

"Please daddy. I need you to be inside me. Please take me and fuck me, do pleasure yourself and me too as I'm only yours and no one can make me feel good as much as you do."

Virat smirked at Rohit's confession.

"Just like that babes. Seems like you really are desperate."

Rohit just watched Virat get down from the bed and opening his pant. When Virat noticed, lying still and looking at him, he sarcastically added,

"Stop staring and remove your clothes as well."

Rohit blushed a little. He has never kind of stripped in front of Virat. Everytime it was Virat who'd take ofd all his clothes or rip it off sometimes, when he was angry.

Rohit did as he was asked. And soon, both were naked. Virat applied some lube on his dick before crawling upon the bed and aligning himself in front of rohit,

"Ready babe?"

This was the most beautiful thing about Virat. No matter how mane times they've been intimate, he never goes in without the other's assurance.

Rohit nodded as Virat slipped himself inside him slowly. Rohit groaned and tried to adjust to Virat's big size after so many days.

"You good?"

Again Rohit just felt in love with Virat more, as Virat just wanted to know that the other was doing well and not hurt or force him.

"Y-yes, m..move."

With the permission, Virat staring rolling and rocking his hips. Each hit beinggreat for Rohit. His mouth remained agape, unable to close his mouth, he couldn't stop the voice of moans that emerged from inside him. Virat went more motivated when he heard those moans, knowing well that Rohit was enjoying it.

Virat paced up, hitting Rohit's prostate each time. Rohit wrapped his hands around Virat, scratching on his back a little. Virat had already gripped him tightly by the waist, so Rohit would not move around because of the force.

"Uu-hhh oh g-god daddy."

Rohit's moans just urged Virat never to stop. But soon, both were dripping with precum. Having sex after months was relieving and mostly enjoying.

"D-daddy! I-I-I"

Rohit couldn't form words properly because he was so much overwhelmed. Virat knew what the other was blabbering around so he interrupted, not wanting to hear the poor boy suffer more trying to speak.

"Just hold it Ro, I'm cumming too."

Rohit groaned and closed his eyes trying his best to hold back his orgasm. And soon, Virat's own orgasm started hitting him like a truck.

"Cum Rohit."

With the permission, Rohit didn't even take a second to spurt out his seeds and Virat came too, but with an intimate kiss joining their lips while they came. Virat pulled out softly.

"So? Mr. Sharma? Happy?"

Rohit smiled, nodding.

"And what about my boyfriend?"

Rohit asked cutely, to which Virat smiled. 

"He's also happy. Thank you Rohit, for making my life so beautiful."

"Your welcome vi. It's always worth it if I get you forever."

Virat smiled, hugging his world and wanting to hug him like this for the rest of his life...

I am thinking to reveal my name. What do you guys think😏😏

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