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_~          Kazuha POV          ~_
              -         ~•~         -

Stares pressed against Scaramouche's back. I knew he was overwhelmed. I saw him ball his hands, his arms slightly shaking, I had to do something. Anything. I just couldn't let rumors spread— not when he is the victim of all this. Not when it's Heizou who started everything.

I grubbed onto his shoulder, shaking it. He didn't respond. His eyes were wide. "Scaramouche!" He flinched at my words, finally responsive. I sighed, letting go of his shoulder. "Calm down, we just need to clarify things before they reach the other students!" I tried to reason, yet I could see his response in his eyes. His eyes were foggy, crowded by darkness. I already knew what he was feeling. He had already given up on the chance of clearing everything up. He knew it wouldn't work.

Deep down, maybe I knew it too. I knew nothing could be done once the words were spoken.

And it was all Heizou's fault. It was his fault. He had hurt someone. I never even suspected anything. I never had even the slightest thought that someone I loved and cared for so deeply as a friend could turn out to be like this. I may not know what's going on in Heizou's head right now, but I do know that he did something wrong. Something wrong to my friend.

Maybe I haven't known Scaramouche that long, yeah, but I care for him. Scaramouche is a human being, and deserves to be treated like one.

"We shouldn't talk about this at school, poor Scaramouche is getting overwhelmed." Heizou wore a pitiful smile, the corners of is mouth slithering upwards. I can't even tell if what Heizou says is genuine anymore.

"Meet us at the cafe near the back of the school, 2pm sharp." I spoke, glaring Heizou in the eye. I saw the corners of his mouth falter downwards, yet he still smiled.

Heizou stayed silent for a moment, before his smirk grew wider. "Sure." His head cocked slightly to the left, a 'kind' smile implanted on his face. A smile I had known for years. A smile I couldn't bring myself to believe that was fake.

I entrapped Scaramouche's wrist with my hand, his eyes wide as I dragged him away from the lunch table. He shouldn't sit here. I shouldn't have dragged him here. It's my fault he was so shaken up.

I dragged him out of the cafeteria, making my way to one of the far bathrooms, away from the whispers in the cafeteria. "Are you alright?" I questioned. His face was scrunched. His eyebrows wrinkled together, his eyes squinted.

"Why would you do that?! Now he's gonna target us! He's gonna target you! Your life will be ruined because of me!" Scaramouche shouted, his voice a bit strained. He seemed... angry? No, more like worried. Was Scaramouche.. worried about me? He should be worrying about himself.

"We'll be fine, Scaramouche! I know how to deal with him, I've known him way longer than you!" I pointed out, I just needed to calm Scaramouche down, then we could talk about this in a more efficient way—

Wait. Now he seemed... more angry? Worried? "No, you know how he acts! Not how he is! I know what he's like, Kazuha. I know how he is." Scaramouche snapped. I knew what expression it was that he wore now. It was fear. He feared Heizou. And he feared me getting hurt.

"Alright, alright. Just calm down, please?" I said, wrapping my fingers around his shoulder in a comforting way. He just needed to cool off so that we can talk about this in a civilized way—

"CALM DOWN?! Are you insane?! Do you think I deserve to be calm in this situation?! I'm going to fucking relive junior high all over again and there is nothing I can do about it!" Scaramouche boomed, his voice shaky.

I exhaled, my breath heavy. He really did think this was his fault, that he couldn't fix it, didn't he? He should stop thinking like that.

I wrapped my arms around his back, holding his head as a pulled him in for a hug. His head laid in the nook of my neck, I could feel his breaths against me. "It's going to be different this time. You have me." I caressed his hair, my hands moving slowly on the indigo strands.

Rudely interrupting our moment, I heard shoes slapping against the tile floor that lead up to the bathroom, and the jingle of keys. No mistaking, that was a teacher.

Scaramouche looked up from my shoulder, wide-eyed. "Hide." I grabbed his wrist and dragged him into a bathroom stall with me, closing the door as silently as I could.

The stall was cramped, one of us would either have to stand on the toilet or hide some other way. "Climb up on the toilet." I whispered to Scaramouche, who made a face.

"No way. That's disgusting." Scaramouche snarled. I was too tall to stand up on the toilet, so I guess there was no other way.

I picked up Scaramouche off the ground, wrapping my arms around his thighs. He made a sound when I picked him up, then flushed red. "What are you doing?!" He wished red angrily, covering up his face with the back of his forearm.

I made a "shh" sound as a teacher came in. I heard them walk around the bathroom, most likely to see how many people were in the stalls. There have been cases at our school before, multiple times, where highschoolers will have sex in the bathrooms.

Eventually I hear the teacher leave, I guess Scaramouche does two because he quickly wiggles out from my grasp. He unlocks the door frantically, his face pink.

"You're so annoying." Scaramouche groaned as he escaped the bathroom stall, I followed close behind.

Scaramouche is quite cute, when he is flustered like this. Now that I think about it, Scaramouche has a sexy-but-cute vibe, he could almost pull off being a girl with how feminine he is. His face reminds me of a cat.


Words: 1024

Guess who finished a chapter in less than a week? Also, I just realized that the timeline is still like, Scaramouche's second week of school, so expect a time skip soon! The chapters  but shorter than I would've liked, same for the one prior to this, but ig it's better than nothing? 🤷‍♀️ But anyways, sorry for the late chapters recently. See you guys next chapter!! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

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