Morning Rituals and Unspoken Worries

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As the city lights painted a tapestry of stories outside my bedroom window, I couldn't help but wonder about the masked figures who navigated the shadows below. Superheroes, they called them. Fabled guardians of justice, distant figures I admired from the safety of my ordinary life. Little did I know, the threads of their stories were intricately woven into the fabric of my own destiny.

I jolt into an upright position as the blaring sound of my alarm clock fills my ears. I blindly reach over to my knight stand to silence my alarm before attempting to rub the sleep from my eyes. I crawl out of bed and make my way out of my room and towards the bathroom. On the way there I noticed that there was light coming from the bottom of the stairs meaning that someone was already up or that someone never went to sleep and knowing who it was I am pretty sure I know which option it is but that is an issue for a later me. I close the door to the bathroom and look at my tired form in the bathroom mirror before getting ready for the day. After brushing my teeth and taking care of my other physical health related tasks I throw half of my auburn hair into a quick bun. I make my way to my room and throw on a pair of jeans and my favorite graphic tee before making my way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. As I enter the kitchen I notice an ever familiar figure seated at the center island passed out in front of an open laptop that has powered off due to inactivity. "Did she seriously try to pull another all nighter," I ask myself as I prepare myself some toast and a fresh pot of coffee because I know that we will both need it. As I pour two mugs of coffee I hear the figure begin to stir. "Good morning momma," I say softly.

"Is it morning already Starlight," she murmurs as I roll my eyes and pass her a fresh mug. "Hey now what is this for," she asks as i raise my eyebrow at her before she answers, "I am supposed to be taking care of you not the other way around."

I let out a soft giggle as i butter my toast before answering, "you know I wouldn't have to take care of you if you just went to bed at a reasonable hour and not try to stay up all night doing work," as I put air quotes around take care and gesturing to the now closed laptop at work.

"Yeah yeah I know. I just had to finish up a big project," she said, shooing away my worries. We sit in our comfortable silence before momma turns quickly to me as if finally remembering something important. "So are you excited for your first day of school," she asks as I finish my toast and coffee.

I roll my eyes and answer, "it is just university momma. You are acting like I am starting high school again."

"Yeah, I know, but University is important too. Your dad would be so proud of you," she says with a sad smile. For as long as I can remember it has just been me and momma because my dad died when I was younger. Momma always said that daddy died a hero, but not in a superhero kind of way. He and momma were attacked while on a date night nearly 13 years ago and my daddy tried to fight them off so momma could get away safely. Because of that night momma made me take self defense classes.

"Yea well I think it is time I head to class,'' I say as I put all my dishes away, grab my school bag and give momma a kiss on the cheek. I notice a pretty nasty bruise on momma's arm but decide not to say anything.

"Oh do you have," she starts before I cut her off by holding up my safety keys and make my way out the door. They were nothing that could stop a supervillain but momma always made sure that I had them in case someone tried to come at me.

thank you for reading the first chapter of this story! If you have any suggestions for what you want to see happen next i am always open.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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