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london, england

growing up in the gilded age was difficult. yn had always been an orphan, but in those times even orphans had to earn their keep. for some it was selling newspapers. for others it was polishing shoes. for yn, it was sweeping chimneys.

no matter how grand or narrow, yn could chimney sweep like their life depended on it.

one day yn woke up to the sound of bells in their creaky orphanage bed, the same sound they heard every day when it was time to wake up. they went down for breakfast, which consisted of gray slop and a measly piece of bred, and then they were called into the orphanage keeper's office.

yn was shocked when they walked in and the orphanage keeper had a pleasant grin on her face.

"well, well, yn. ever since we lost jack to the mines, you've done well as our head chimney sweeper."

yn beamed proudly.

"to reward you for your hard work, we have a grand job for you. an even bigger job than when you swept the chimney of the rockefellers."

yn gasped. that chimney had been a huge deal for them at the orphanage, and they had all been so honored to clean it.

"your next chimney is going to be at... WILLY WONKA'S CHOCOLATE FACTORY."

yn gasped once more and ran a lap around the room in excitement before tearing up as they spoke,

"oh thank you orphanage keeper, i am so grateful for this opportunity, i don't even know what to say."

"don't say a word, but do go pack. you'll stay at the factory for as long as it takes to clean the chimney."

yn did as the orphanage keeper told them. they packed their coal stained breeches and blouses, and one cap that they had stolen from a paper boy.

they left out the door and hopped onto a milk cart to catch a ride to willy wonka's factory.

several hours later

after being yelled at by the milk man for catching a ride, yn finally got to willy wonka's factory. it was huge and large tufts of smoke leaked from the four chimneys, creating a dark gray cloud of smoke and smog above the town.

on the top of the many steps up to the door was a small chocolate bar, wrapped in a golden ribbon. yn picked it up, pocketed it, and continued inside of the factory.

the floors creaked as they walked in. the room was dark and empty. all of a sudden, yn heard a voice from behind them. "well hello my dear child."

the voice was as smooth as milk chocolate and as light as cotton candy.

yn turned around, and there stood the world's wealthiest robber baron, willard wilbur "willy" wonka.

"welcome to my factory, yehah. i see you've found the chocolate bar i left for you, yehah."

"oh," yn muttered. willy wonka was tall with white chocolate skin, a dark chocolate brown bob, and milk chocolate eyes. he was wearing a deep purple coat and a shiny top hat. he was holding a cane.

"thank you for the chocolate, mr wonka. i'm so honored to be here." yn finally spat out.

"hahahhum, i've heard great things about your chimney sweeping, yehah. which is why i sent my head oompa loompa to buy you, ahuaha."

"uh, what? buy me? i thought i was here to sweep your chimneys and leave." yn stuttered.

"no, my dear child." willy wonka replied. "due to my constant use of heavy machinery for quick and delicious chocolate making, my chimneys are always dirty, yehah. so i need an orphan to clean them twenty four seven, yehah." he said threateningly. "let me show you to the servant quarters."

willy wonka walked yn over to his basement servant quarters, which were dark, damp, and generally depressing. he pointed to a small bed with a dirty sheet and flat pillow.

"this, my dear child, is where you'll sleep. unless you break any of wonka's rules, then you'll be sleeping with the oompa loomps, ahuaha, yehah. let's go see the other parts of the factory you'll need to go to."

an hour later

"and that, my dear child, completes your tour of my chocolate factory, ahuah. if you have any questions, ask them now before i send you to clean my chimneys, yehah." wonka declared.

"uh, in the servants quarters you said something about if i broke the wonka rules..." yn said hesitantly. they figured it was better to ask than to break one without knowing.

"oh, why thank you for reminding me, dear child. there are four rules here at the willy wonka chocolate factory of candy and chocolate. number one, don't go out at night or to the half of the factory that wasn't included in the tour. number two, no sampling the chocolate my dear child, because if we sampled every chocolate we'd turn into chocolate and then you wouldn't be able to sweep my chimney, heh yehah."

yn stared at him and gave him an understanding nod.

"number three, no escaping the factory ever. i paid good chocolate coins for you so you'll be sweeping my chimneys for life, haahua yehah. and number four, do not ask about my past." wonka frowned and turned away as he said the last rule. if you don't have any more questions, than i recommend you start chimney sweeping dear child, before i send the oompa loompas on you. heha, yehah."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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sold to willy wonka by my old hag orphanage keeper ౨ৎWhere stories live. Discover now