CHAPTER 40! stuck in time, stuck in the place he'd left her

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the clock read 10 pm.

her and ashtray were an hour late to one of cherry's business partners birthday parties, because cherry insisted on taking forever to do her makeup.

"do i look stupid?" cherry asked, collecting her purse.

"you look great." ashtray reassured, with a smile.

the red-head smiled back.

together, they rushed downstairs and to the car that waited for them outside.

the entire morning was spent going to places that would hopefully remind ashtray of something. cherry told him stories as they walked.

they spoke about a diner where that looked similar to one they'd been on a date on.

ashtray thought having cherry by his side made things so much easier.

he remembered so much more, and she could help him
piece it together, because she knew everything about him.

she was still in love with him.

ashtray knew that. he didn't know if she knew that, though.

when they finished exploring, they went back home. cherry's father had immediately denied the idea of ashtray living with them.

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