CHAPTER 44! you just think i'm attached and confused but that's not true

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anything to avoid the red-haired girl that was everywhere he was at.

for the second time, they avoided speaking about a kiss that was sure to change the course of their friendship.

what they felt for each-other was undeniable, so they just needed to avoid it!

that would make things normal again.

they both seemed determined to keep their distance, each one tiptoeing around the other as if afraid of what might happen if they let their guard down.

ashtray threw himself into hobbies to keep his mind occupied so it wouldn't get caught in its usual loop of cherry.

first he started trying out some sports. he didn't like them very much, he got too competitive with them, and he always ended up somehow hurt.

arts were next. it went horribly. he couldn't sit down in front of a blank canvas and try to put meaning into a bowl of fruit. his mind didn't work that way.

lastly, he tried out community service.

unusually, he enjoyed that.

the way cherry described him before the accident, there was no way community service was something he would do. there was a first time for everything.

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