[ Art Covers ]

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Throughout this whole storage book, I'll be leaving little notes and stuff. Just as a way for me to reflect on all these little drawings I've made! I'm still new to digital art, and constantly trying to improve for the better, so please keep that in mind :D

(Art program used: Firealpaca)

- There was originally another cover I had made before this first one, but I had lost it when my past computer had broken. But I made this first cover around April-May 2023.

- There are a lot of obvious trace-images because I can't do anatomy for the life of me (A look at venom on the bottom right tells you all you need to know LMAO)

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- There are a lot of obvious trace-images because I can't do anatomy for the life of me (A look at venom on the bottom right tells you all you need to know LMAO). The traced images were Slade and Goblin, got them for a simple Google search.

- Good idea, not so good delivery when you take a closer look at all the little details. I also didn't know about layer effects (Multiply, Overlay, Add, etc...). 

- The replica below was an attempt to make it like a comic book theme. Again, good idea, terrible delivery HAHA.

 Again, good idea, terrible delivery HAHA

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- This next one was made in July 2023, because I didn't like the previous cover, and wanted to make a new one very badly. 

- First discovery of layers! But I had no clue how to use the effects still, so a LOT of airbrush tool was used here. 

- The only traced image was of Venom and Spider-girl. Venom was a Google search, and Spider-girl was off of this exact Pinterest image here: https://pin.it/1Au4qQ0ag 


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- I'm very proud of this one. Mainly because this was when I finally discovered the layer effects like Multiple, Add, Overlay, Blur, and all that. So no more heavy air-brush! 

- This one is a lot cleaner looking than the others, the main goal was to use less aggressive colouring. And it worked pretty well, though the drawing perspective needs work. 

- Yep, that's the same traced image of Venom. I COULDN'T HELP IT, he just looked so goofy I had to add him again. This time, for Spider-girl, I used a base on Pinterest instead of a drawing: https://pin.it/63df0uBFi

- Whenever I decide I should make a new cover, my biggest aim would be to use 0 traced images/bases

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- Whenever I decide I should make a new cover, my biggest aim would be to use 0 traced images/bases. As I start learning more about anatomy the closest thing I want to use is referencing. 

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- Current Cover AND I FUFILLED MY GOAL!!! Not a single image is traced here. The only part is referencing Spider-girl's pose, but referencing ≠ tracing.

- I experimented a lot with the lighting and the glass texture effect. 

- The biggest issue I have with this cover was finding someplace to put the "Spectacular Spider-girl" text. I also unexpectedly covered Harry and Hobie which I only found out when I was sorting out the last bit of texturing.

- Overall very happy with how everything turned out! Definity won't be making a new cover anytime soon! 

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