Bot Foghting Vs Nerd School

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The scene fades up to the city of San Fransokyo while thuds sound are heard until the bot fight appears in the alley Yama defeats the fighter as Little Yama uses the buzz saw to defeat the fighter's robot and the crowd cheers while the fighter becomes surprised.

Ringleader: The winner by total annihilation... Yama!

Yama: Who's next? Who has the guts to step into the ring, with Little Yama?

The other bot fighters become nervous and hide their robots as one of them rips its head off.

Hiro: Can I try? I have a robot. I built it myself. (shows Yama his little, innocent robot, Megabot)

Yama laughs raucously as the crowd falls in.

Ringleader: Beat it, kid. House rules. You gotta pay to play.

Hiro: Oh. Uh... is this enough? (holds up a handful of money)

Yama: What's your name, little boy?

Hiro: (shyly) I'm Hiro. Hiro Hamada.

Yama: Prepare your bot, Zero.

Hiro and Yama prepare their bots as they sit crisscrossed. Yama cracks his joint and Hiro makes a joint cracking sound.

Ringleader: Two bots enter, one bot leaves. Fighters ready? Fight!

The fight starts as Little Yama destroys Megabot and Yama laughs.

Hiro: That was my first fight. I-I- Ca- Can I try again?

Yama: No one likes a sore loser, little boy. (chuckles) Go home.

Hiro: I've got more money.

He reluctantly places the rest of his money on the plate for a second fight.

Ringleader: Fighters ready? Fight!

Suddenly, Megabot reassembles itself. Hiro drops his shy, innocent little boy act.

Hiro: Megabot, destroy. (grins evilly)

Yama: Huh?

Megabot fights Little Yama as Yama tries to destroy Megabot while Hiro controls Megabot.

Yama: What the?

Megabot tears Little Yama's arms off and punches its head and pops it off as it wins the second fight while the crowd gasps and then Megabot takes a bow.

Hiro: No more Little Yama.

Yama: But, what... (angrily) This is not possible!

Hiro: (while he takes the money) Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck. Do you wanna go again, Yama? (Yama approaches him closely)

Yama pushes Hiro against the wall and grabs his Megabot.

Yama: No one hustles Yama!

Hiro: Whoa, hey.

Yama: Teach him a lesson.

Yama's gang laughs and approaches Hiro to beat him up.

Hiro: Hey, fellas. Let's talk about this.

Yama's gang member cracks his knuckles, but suddenly, Tadashi's motorcycle arrives at the alley as Yama and his gang fall like dominoes.

Tadashi: Hiro, get on!

Hiro: Tadashi! (hops on Tadashi's motorcycle) Oh, good timing!

Tadashi puts a helmet on Hiro's head as he drives and Yama stands up and looks at Hiro's Megabot.

Yama: Aha! Oh, mama.

Megabot beats up Yama as he yells and then Megabot goes to Hiro and Hiro catches it.

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