dad what did you do in the great war ?

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i meet my wife downstairs to the sound of birds and the scent of fried eggs and a orange juice on the side and and a sweet melody of the vynal record like music to my ears .
(after breakfast) the dorbell rings i scoot out of my chair and open the door to a army veteran saying seriously with a little bit of a disasisfied manor " pack your stuff were leaving " and i ask with a scared but confused tone " where we going ? " the cheif soldiger said " to war "
i pack my stuf f and say goodbye to my wife and kids im confused yet scared it was my dads dream to go to war but i dont want to acomplish it.. my hands are shaking  im so nervous i coud burst.  i arive at the army protection site theres barel anything there i follow my cheif and he points to this boxroom and says this is mine its  about 2m wide and 2m long .all there is ia a bucket and a tiny hammock and my uniformand . this room its has a sense of fatigue . evrytime i look at it i have shivers..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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