Bonnie's Benevolent Beverage Adventure

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The large city grandfather clock read 11:22 a.m. Although she was aiming to be there an hour earlier, Bonnie had just touched the city pavement. Her locs wouldn't do that really cute effortless look that they do so cute and effortlessly when she's home with her favorite novel , lukewarm hot cocoa, and no admirers to swoon over her unique beauty. Instead, they held all uniform giving straw broom rather than juicy pineapple. Bonnie would end up throwing them back with fluffy edges, her ear muffs , and her favorite $4.99 beauty supply glasses with the big clear frames. The girl had always felt that since she stewarded big features, they should be complimented by big accessories. She wasn't sure of the science behind that , but she looked damn good anyway.

As she emerged from underneath the subway tunnel, the sun beamed its rays covering everything within its presence like a warm golden blanket. The rays kissed Bonnie's face and made her terracotta skin sparkle. She knew the day was sure to be a good one. When I Get Home by Solange was cut short as Bonnie returned her ear pods to the green case. To Bonnie, visible headphones discouraged strangers from being friendly and she didn't want to take any chances. As she began her walk down 10th street, the cars whirred and whizzed by , violently cutting each other off and honking incredulously. "Whew , I am so glad I opted for being a pedestrian today", she thought. Bonnie loved the city , she'd been working in the inner city for the past two years and she quickly learned that driving downtown was for those who had time; time for traffic, time for robust one way streets, and time for avidly seeking out good parking. With school , work, socials, God in between all things, and putting time aside to look as good as she always did, time was something she had to use wisely.

With the entire day ahead of her , the first stop she made was the coffee shop. Except she never actually bought coffee. It's kind of like going to your favorite burger joint and grabbing a hotdog. The burgers are cool , but you know who the real star of  the show is. She smiled and said good morning to anyone who welcomed her kindness . It made Bonnie feel so good if she'd had at least three friendly encounters on her walk to work. But the sun was cheery, so Bonnie just knew God had an extravagant plan for the events that were to take place that Thursday morning & beyond! As she reached for the door of Cicily's , it swung open wide, almost smacking her in the face. Her joyful attitude and beauty supply frames had both blurred her sight and her sense of surroundings. "I'm so sorry", cried the voice of her own and a stranger's in unison. As she looked up, she peered because the muscular figure in front of her was tall as a Mandingo man. She giggled nervously. "I am so sorry", she repeated. "I must have not been paying very much attention. " She lifted her glasses further up the flat bridge of her wide nose like something straight out of a romance novel. Bonnie's heart was thumping rapidly, the brother was fine and he sported a soft fluffy beard that glistened in the sun and a cologne that could cultivate a whole school of college girls. "Its all good , that's my bad . Those pretty eyes caught me a little off guard." "Is he trying to spit game right now?", the thought made Bonnie warm all over and a surge of confidence sprouted all throughout her body. "Maybe it was the polite sun", she thought. Either way, it was more so a reason for her to make the most out of this moment. " So , my eyes made you almost smack me with the door huh?", Bonnie playfully enquired. The gentleman laughed, "On second thought, it is your fault." "Wowww", Bonnie giggled. The two chuckled briefly in unison. There was a small awkward gap of silence that forced her to think quick when she realized the young man was not going to break it."Doomed if I do and doomed if I don't I guess", she threw her hands in midair from each side in a c'est la vie type of motion and headed for the entrance of the coffee shop. 

She'd had one foot through the door when the stranger shouted, "What's your name pretty eyes?" "Bonnie", she smiled. "Bonnie, that's cute", he said. "Everything is cute to you , I see . How about you ?". "Oh she got jokes, not everything, you just seem to have all that is." The boy smiled, and Bonnie stood there helplessly with a thumping heart. Here was this beautiful stranger that appeared from doors way and since they'd layed eyes on each other he had done nothing , but make her black girl blush.  "And the names Eli." Bonnie smiled again , "well , nice to meet you Eli, you be weary of pretty eyes and swinging doors." "Nice to meet you as well Bonnie, I can't make no promises." They smiled and stared at one another for a moment. Bonnie attempted to break gaze , but his contentment emboldened her to stay right where she stood locked in gaze with the beautiful stranger who'd stumbled from behind door's way. A hipster looking white guy would soon curtail  their little moment in an attempt to exit the coffee shop. "Oh , I'm sorry".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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